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发布者:     日期:2014年06月24日 16:22   点击数:  




实验室英文名称:Key Laboratory of Advanced Technologies of Materials, Ministry of Education.






(1)          材料诱导干细胞定向分化的微环境及其构建(2011CB606204),国家973计划项目,国家级,黄楠,2011.01-2015.12184万元

(2)          高性能Nb3Al超导线材结构设计、加工和热处理研究(2011GB112001),科技部ITER专项,国家级,赵勇,2011.10-2014.10, 342万元

(3)          天然纤维素绿色制浆与纺丝工程化技术开发(2011BAE11B01),国家科技支撑计划课题,国家级,周祚万,2012-2014年,子课题总经费500万元(我校300万元)

(4)          生长因子在微纳结构材料中的高活性固载及控释(2012CB933602),国家973计划项目子课题,国家级,周绍兵,2012.01-2016.12135万元

(5)          多级微纳结构支架调控细胞行为(2012CB933602),国家973计划项目子课题,翁杰,2012.1-2016.12135万元

(6)          新型软组织修复及术中生物材料2012BAI17B06-2, 国家科技支撑计划,国家级,周绍兵,2012.1-2015.1222.5万元

(7)          新型软组织修复及术中生物材料(2012BAI17B06-1),国家科技支撑计划,国家级,李孝红,2012.1-2015.1222.5万元

(8)          高温超导线材及导体研制及性能研究(2013GB110001),科技部ITER专项,国家级,赵勇,2013.6-2016.645万元

(9)          先进高场磁体材料Nb3Al制备技术的联合研发(2013DFA51050),国家科技合作计划项目,国家级,赵勇,2013.04-2016.04374万元

(10)      基于微纳图形与表面修饰协同效应的仿生矿化研究(31070851),国家自然科学基金,国家级,鲁雄,2011.01-2013.1233万元

(11)      基于低强度脉冲超声刺激的3D仿生基质骨组织工程复合支架的研究(51072160),国家自然科学基金,国家级,汪建新,2011.01-2013.12, 37万元

(12)      骨植入体表面含生物活性物质复合涂层研究(81071456),国家自然科学基金,国家级,段可,2011.01-2013.12, 32万元

(13)      三维微图案化超细纤维支架的构建及调控功能性组织的形成(51073130),国家自然科学基金,国家级,李孝红,2011.01-2013.1237万元

(14)      内皮细胞分泌的细胞外基质提高心血管移植材料生物相容性的机理研究及其对人工构建生物仿生界面的指导意义(31000426),国家自然科学基金,国家级,涂秋芬,2011.1-2013.1219万元

(15)      REFeAsO体系超导电性的研究及其相关体系的探索(11004162),国家自然科学基金,国家级,崔雅静, 2011.01-2013.1220

(16)      基于化学法的YBCO超导薄膜的离子缺陷钉扎研究及快速制备探索(51072168),国家自然科学基金,国家级,蒲明华,2011.01-2013.1235万元

(17)      新型粘结钙钛矿锰氧化物体系的制备及性能研究(51002125),国家自然科学基金,国家级,羊新胜,2011.01-2013.1220万元

(18)      表面织构控制摩擦振动噪声的机理研究(51005191),国家自然科学基金,国家级,莫继良,2011.1-2013.1220万元

(19)      无渣轨道扣件系统松动的摩擦学机理研究(51005192),国家自然科学基金,国家级,蔡振兵,2011.01-2013.1220万元

(20)      温敏聚合物的单分子力谱研究(21074102),国家自然科学基金,国家级,崔树勋,2011.1-2013.1238万元

(21)      聚合物/可膨胀石墨阻燃复合材料在层状受限空间下的形状结构与性能(11104224),国家自然科学基金,国家级,陈晓浪,2011.1-2013.1220万元

(22)      Ti基材料表面抗凝/诱导内皮双功能修饰层构建、评价及双功能竞争与平衡的分子机制(31170916),国家自然科学基金,国家级,陈俊英,2012.01-2015.12, 65万元

(23)      等离子体聚氧乙烯功能化薄膜的合成及其抗生物粘附特性研究(51173149),国家自然科学基金,国家级,王进, 2012.01-2015.12, 60万元

(24)      纳米Ti-O薄膜、Co合金体系的变形、疲劳行为及其在冠状动脉血管支架表面改性中的应用(81171462),国家自然科学基金, 国家级,谢东,2012.01-2015.1258万元

(25)      聚醚-聚酸酐胶束的形貌调控及其对肿瘤细胞生长影响的研究(51173150),国家自然科学基金金,国家级,周绍兵,2012.01-2015.1260万元

(26)      纳米相表面修饰多尺度孔隙结构骨再生支架研究(51172188),国家自然科学基金,国家级,翁杰,2012.1-2015.1260万元

(27)      ZrCuSiAs型钴基化合物的磁性研究,国家自然科学基金(11104224),国家级,陈永亮,2012.1-2014.1225万元

(28)      无氟化学溶液沉积法动态连续制备第二代高温超导带材SmBCO超导层研究(51102199),国家自然科学基金,国家级,王文涛, 2012.1-2014.12,25万元

(29)      人体残肢皮肤摩擦自适应机制研究及舒适性假肢界面设计(51175440),国家自然科学基金,国家级,李炜,2012.01-2015.1260

(30)      基于配位聚合的纳米螺旋纤维生长机理及螺旋纤维纸研制(51173148),国家自然科学基金,国家级,周祚万,2012.1-2015.12年,60万元

(31)      第二组分引导聚丙烯退火过程中微纳米结构演化及其增韧机理(51173151),国家自然科学基金,国家级,王勇,2012.01-2015.1256万元

(32)      磁场与纳米体系介导的铁基可降解血管支架与生物体的相互作用(81271701),国家自然科学基金,国家级,黄楠,2013.1-2016.12100

(33)      类碳复合陶瓷薄膜对金属-金属人工关节摩擦界面调控机理研究(81271953),国家自然科学基金,国家级,冷永祥,2013.1-2016.1270

(34)      聚合物纤维控释载药胶束及靶向作用机制(21274117),国家自然科学基金,国家级,李孝红,2013.1-2016.1285万元

(35)      催化释放一氧化氮的手性微环境及其细胞相容性研究(31270020),国家自然科学基金,国家级,翁亚军,2013.1-2016.1280万元

(36)      基于氢键作用的溶剂响应型可降解高分子形状记忆纳米复合材料的研究(51203130),国家自然科学基金,国家级,郑晓彤,2013.1-2015.1225万元

(37)      高性能Nb3Al超导材料的制备及成相特征与性能研究(5127155),国家自然科学基金,张勇,2013.01-2016.1280万元

(38)      狭缝涂覆技术结合高分子辅助化学溶液沉积法动态制备涂层导体带材工艺中关键问题研究(51202202),国家自然科学基金青年基金,国家级,雷鸣,2013.01-2015.1225万元

(39)      微创器械生理相容与交互作用机理研究(51290291),国家自然科学基金重大项目,国家级,周仲荣,2013.1-2017.12230万元

(40)      生物大分子单链力学(21222401),国家自然科学基金,国家级,崔树勋,2013.1-2015.12100万元

(41)      氧化石墨烯调控不相容共混物界面结构与性能的研究(51203129),国家自然科学基金,国家级,杨静晖,2013.1-2015.1225万元

(42)      高性能Nb3Al超导材料的制备及成相特征与性能研究,国家自然科学基金(5127155),国家自然科学基金,张勇,2013.01-2016.1280万元

(43)      结合微纳加工技术的材料表面生物功能化修饰(NCET-10-0704),教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划,省部级,鲁雄,2011.01-2013.1250万元

(44)      人体硬组织的关键摩擦学问题研究(NCET-10-0707),教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划,省部级,郑靖,2011.1-2013.1250

(45)      纳米相表面修饰多尺度孔隙结构骨再生支架研究(2010FZ0048),四川省科技支撑项目,省部级,翁杰,2011.01-2013.1210万元

(46)      生物医用钛金属表面微纳图案化与仿生功能化(2011JQ0010),四川省杰出青年学术技术带头人资助计划,省部级,鲁雄,2011.01-2013.1230万元

(47)      人体生物摩擦学的关键科学问题研究(2010JQ0081),四川省青年科技基金创新团队,省部级,钱林茂,2010.11-2013.1030

(48)      扭动微动摩擦学第三体的形成、演变及其作用机制研(20100184120002) ,教育部博士点专项基金,省部级,蔡振兵,2011.1-2013.123.6万元

(49)      多层聚合物/膨胀石墨阻燃复合材料的研究(20110184120029),教育部博士点专项基金,省部级,陈晓浪,2011.1-2013.12 3.6万元

(50)      退火诱导β-聚丙烯基纳米复合材料结构演变及断裂力学行为研究(2012JQ0057),四川省杰出青年基金后续资助,省部级,王勇,2012.01-2013.1210万元

(51)      自支撑氧化钛纳米膜卷管及光催化电解水制氢应用,四川省杰出青年学术带头人项目(2012JQ0001),省部级,万国江, 2012.1- 2013.12 50万元

(52)      人体天然牙的摩擦磨损-酸蚀-再矿化修复耦合作用机制研究(2012JQ0016),四川省杰出青年科学基金,郑靖,2012.1-2014.1250

(53)      ZrCuSiAsRECoPNO的低温晶体结构和磁性研究(20110184120029), 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金, 省部级,陈永亮,2012.1-2014.124万元

(54)      大型节能灯具及配件生产项目(Q024131108010151),四川省省级新兴产业发展专项资金项目,省部级,胡书春,2012-201420万元

(55)      Ti-Cu系薄膜的高能脉冲磁控溅射制备及对血管支架材料表面抗凝血性能的影响(WJTU12CX014),中央高校基本科研业务费科技创新项目,省部级,景凤娟,2012-201310万元

(56)      组装型吸波剂的制备与研究(SWJTU09CX051),中央高校基本科研业务费科技创新项目,2012-201310万元

(57)      Cu2-XS/TiO2纳米管异质结阵列的表面态、界面电场调控及其对光电性质的影响(20120184120024),高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金, 省部级,杨峰,2013.01-2015.124万元

(58)      农作物秸秆纤维素的环保化提取与高值化综合利用成套技术,四川省科技创业领军人才计划(2013RZ0036),省部级,周祚万,2013.09-2015.0930万元

(59)      农作物桔杆组分的环保化分离和高值化利用成套技术,四川省科技计划项目(2011GZX0052),省部级,姜曼,2013.1-2014.1210万元

(60)      纳米新材料关键技术开发及应用,四川省科技计划项目(2013GZX0135),省部级,徐晓玲,2013.1-2015.1220万元

(61)      高性能组装型吸波剂、隐身材料的研制与吸波新机制研究,四川省科技支撑计划项目(2013GZ0049),省部级,胡书春,2013-201520万元

(62)      水、垢样分析及化学清洗和水处理药剂开发,横向项目,胡书春,2012-2014年,60万元





(1)          莫继良,入选2013年度教育部“新世纪”优秀人才支持计划

(2)          鲁雄,入选第十批四川省学术和技术带头人后备人选

(3)          王进,入选第十一批四川省有突出贡献的优秀专家

(4)          翁亚军,入选四川省杰出青年学术技术带头人培育计划

(5)          周祚万,2013年四川省科技创业领军人才




(1)           J. Wang, Y.H. He, Manfred F. Maitz, Boyce Collins, K.Q. Xion, L.S. Guo, Y.H. Yun, G.J. Wan, N. Huang. A surface-eroding poly(1,3-trimethylene carbonate) coating for fully biodegradable magnesium-based stent applications: Toward better biofunction. biodegradation and biocompatibility. Acta Biomaterialia, 2013, 9(10), 8678-8689 

(2)           Z.L. Yang, Y. Yang, W. Yan, Q.F. Tu, J. Wang, N. Huang. Construction of polyfunctional coatings assisted by gallic acid to facilitate co-immobilization of diverse biomolecules. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,  2013, 5(21), 10495-10501  

(3)           R.F. Luo, L.L. Tang, S. Zhong, Z.L. Yang, J. Wang, Y.J. Weng, Q.F. Tu, C.X. Jiang, N. Huang. In Vitro Investigation of Enhanced Hemocompatibility and Endothelial Cell Proliferation Associated with Quinone-Rich Polydopamine Coating. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2013, 5(5), 1704-1714  

(4)           Q.F. Tu, Z.L. Yang, Y. Zhu, .K.Q. Xiong, Manfred F. Maitz, J. Wang, Y.C. Zhao, N. Huang, Jian Jin, Yuechang Lei. Effect of tissue specificity on the performance of extracellular matrix in improving endothelialization of cardiovascular implants. Tissue Engineering Part A, 2013, 19(1-2), 91-102  

(5)           Y.Q. Chen, G.J. Wan, J. Wang, S. Zhao, Y.C. Zhao, N. Huang. Covalent immobilization of phytic acid on Mg by alkaline pre-treatment: corrosion and degradation behavior in phosphate buffered saline. Corrsoion Science, 2013, 75, 280-286  

(6)           G.J. Wan, P. Li, X. Xiang, J.Z. Zhou, N. Huang. Responsive surface charge transfer doping effect of reductive bio-molecules (glucose, fucoidan and heparin) contacting on semiconducting titanium oxide films. Journal of Materials Science, 2013, 48, 4109-4116  

(7)           D. Xie, G.J. Wan, Manfred F. Maitz, H. Sun, N. Huang. Deformation and Corrosion Behaviors of Ti-O Film Deposited 316L Stainless Steel by Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation and Deposition. Surface & Coatings Technology, 2013, 214, 117-123  

(8)           W.C. Xie, J. Chen, J. Lang, P. Yang, H. Sun, N. Huang. Nanomesh of Cu fabricated by combining nanosphere lithography and high power pulsed magnetron sputtering and a preliminary study aboutits function. Applied Surface Science, 2013, 283, 100-106  

(9)           J.G. Li, K. Zhang, P. Yang, Y.Z. Liao, L.L. Wu, J.L. Chen, A.S. Zhao, G.C. Li, N. Huang. Research of smooth muscle cells response to fluid flow shear stress by hyaluronic acid micro-pattern on a titanium surface. Experimental Cell Research, 2013, 319(17), 2663-2672  

(10)       J.G. Li, G.C. Li, K. Zhang, Y.Z. Liao, P. Yang, Manfred F. Maitz, N. Huang. Co-culture of vascular endothelial cells and smooth muscle cells by hyaluronic acid micro-pattern on titanium surface. Applied Surface Science, 2013, 273, 24-31  

(11)       J.G. Li, K. Zhang, P. Yang, W. Qin, G.C. Li, A.S. Zhao, N. Huang. Human vascular endothelial cell morphology and functional cytokine secretion influenced by different size of HA micro-pattern on titanium substrate. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2013, 110, 199-207

(12)       J. Li, P. Yang, K. Zhang, H.L. Ren, N. Huang. Preparation of SiO2/TiO2 and TiO2/TiO2 micropattern and their effects on platelet adhesion and endothelial cell regulation. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 2013, 307, 575-579  

(13)       F.M. Zhang, G.C. Li, P. Yang, W. Qin, C.H. Li, N. Huang. Fabrication of biomolecule-PEG micropattern on titanium surface and its effects on platelet adhesion. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2013, 102, 457-465

(14)       Q. Li, F.Q. Jiang, Y.X. Leng, R.H. Wei, N. Huang. Microstructure and tribological properties of Ti(Cr)SiCN coating deposited by plasma enhanced magnetron sputtering. Vacuum, 2013, 89, 168-173  

(15)       Y.J. Zheng, Y.X. Leng, X. Xin, Z.Y. Xu, F.Q. Jiang, R.H. Wei, N. Huang. Evaluation of mechanical properties of Ti(Cr)SiC(O)N coated cemented carbide Tools. Vacuum, 2013, 90, 50-58  

(16)       J. Liu, X. Wang, B.J. Wu, T.F. Zhang, Y.X. Leng, N. Huang Tribocorrosion behavior of DLC-coated CoCrMo alloy in simulated biological environment. Vacuum, 2013, 92, 39-43  

(17)       Zhaoying Xu, Y.J. Zheng, F. Jiang, Y.X. Leng, Hong Sun, Nan Huang. The microstructure and mechanical properties of multilayer diamond-like carbon films with different modulation ratios. Applied Surface Science, 2013, 264, 207-212  

(18)       T.L. Yin, F.J. Jing, H. Sun, Y.X. Leng, Ken Yukimura, N. Huang. Microstructure and platelet adhesion behavior of titanium oxide filmssynthesized by reactive high-power pulse magnetron sputtering. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 2013, 41(8), 1837-1843  

(19)       X. Wang, J. Liu, J.Y. Chen, Y.X.Leng, N. Huang. The wear and failure process of the TiN and DLC films monitored with the open circuit potential. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 2013, 41(8), 1844-1849  

(20)       R.F. Luo, L.L. Tang, J. Wang, Y.C. Zhao, Q.F. Tu, Y.J. Weng, R. Shen, N. Huang. Improved immobilization of biomolecules to quinone-rich polydopamine for efficient surface functionalization. Colloids and Surfaces B Biointerfaces, 2013, 106, 66-73  

(21)       K. Zhang, J.G. Li, K. Deng, T. Liu, J.Y. Chen, N. Huang. The endothelialization and hemocompatibility of the functional multilayer on titanium surface constructed with type IV collagen and heparin. Colloids and Surfaces B Biointerfaces, 2013, 108, 295-304  

(22)       P.K. Qi, Manfred F. Maitz, N. Huang. Surface modification of cardiovascular materials and implants. Surface & Coatings Technology, 2013, 233, 80-90  

(23)       S.H. Liu, T. Liu, J.Y. Chen, Manfred Maitz, C. Chen, N. Huang. Influence of a layer-by-layer-assembled multilayer of anti-CD34 antibody, vascular endothelial growth factor, and heparin on the endothelialization and anticoagulation of titanium surface. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 2013, 101(4), 1144-1157  

(24)       J.L. Chen, N. Huang, B.L. Ma, Manfred F. Maitz, J. Wang, J.G. Li, Q.L. Li, Y.C. Zhao, K.Q. Xiong, X. Liu. Guidance of stem cells to a target destination in Vivo by Magnetic nanoparticles in a magnetic field. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2013, 5(5),  5976-5985  

(25)       L. Wang, X.F. Yang, H.C. Chen, T. Gong, W.B. Li, G. Yang, and S.B. Zhou*. Design of Triple-Shape Memory Polyurethane with Photo-crosslinking of Cinnamon Groups. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2013, 5, 10520-10528.  

(26)       L. Wang, X.F. Yang, H.M. Chen, G. Yang, T. Gong, W.B. Li, S.B. Zhou*. Multi-stimuli sensitive shape memory poly(vinyl alcohol)-graft-polyurethane. Polym. Chem., 2013,4, 4461-4468  

(27)       S.B. Zhou*, J. Fan, Sujit S. Datta, M. Guo, X. Guo, David A. Weitz. Thermally Switched Release from Nanoparticle Colloidosomes. Advanced Functional Materials, 2013, 23, 5925-5929 

(28)       Tao Chen, Xing Guo,Aijun Zhao, Jie Wang,Chunli Shi and Shaobing Zhou*. Morphological transition of self-assembled architectures from PEG-based ether-anhydride terpolymers. Soft Matter, 2013, 9, 3021-3031 

(29)       W.B. Li, T. Gong, H.M. Chen, L. Wang, J.R. Li and S.B. Zhou*. Tuning surface micropattern features using a shape memory functional polymer. RSC Adv., 2013, 3, 9865-9874  

(30)       H.M. Chen, Y. Liu, T. Gong, L. Wang, K.Q. Zhao, S.B. Zhou*. Use of intermolecular hydrogen bonding to synthesize triple-shape memory supermolecular composites. RSC Adv., 2013, 3, 7048-7056  

(31)       X. Guo, C.L. Shi, J. Wang, S.B. Di, S.B.Zhou*. pH-triggered intracellular release from actively targeting polymer Micelles. Biomaterials, 2013, 34, 4544-4554  

(32)       Z. Zhang, Q.Q. Qu, J.R. Li, S.B. Zhou*. The Effect of the Hydrophilic/Hydrophobic Ratio of Polymeric Micelles on their Endocytosis Pathways into Cells. Macromol. Biosci. 2013, 13, 789-798

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(34)       S.Z. Lin, S.X. Qu, L.N. Chang, Y.H. Guo, K. Duan, J. Weng. The drug-carrier interactions, release behaviours and cell respeonse of hydroxyapatite containing several Chinese medicines. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci. Ed., 2013, 28(1), 163-171  

(35)       S.X. Qu, Y.L. Bai, X.M. Liu, .R Fu, K. Duan, J. Weng. Study on in vitro release of and cell response to alendronate sodium-loaded ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene loaded with alendronate sodium wear particles to treat the particles-induced osteolysis. Journal of Biomedical Material Research A, 2013, 101(2), 394-403

(36)       L. Zhao, Q.J. Liu, S.L. Yan, Z.J. Chen, J.M. Chen, X.H. Li*. Multimeric immobilization of alcohol oxidase on electrospun fibers for valid tests of alcoholic saliva. J. Biotech., 168, 46-54

(37)       F. Chen, H.Y. Wan, T. Xia, X.Q. Guo, H. Wang, Yaowen Liu, Xiaohong Li*. Promoted regeneration of mature blood vessels by electrospun fibers with loaded multiple pDNA-calcium phosphate nanoparticles. Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm., 85, 699-710  

(38)       H. Wang, Y. Zhang, T. Xia, W. Wei, F. Chen, X.Q. Guo, X.H. Li*. Synergistic promotion of blood vessel regeneration by astragaloside IV and ferulic acid from electrospun fibrous mats. Mol. Pharm., 10, 2394-2403

(39)       H. Wang, W. Zhi, X. Lu, X.H. Li, K. Duan, R.Q. Duan, Y.D. Mu, J. Weng*. Comparative studies on ectopic bone formation in porous hydroxyapatite scaffolds with complementary pore structures. Acta Biomater., 2013, 9,  8413-8421

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(42)       X. Liu, W.Z. Peng, Y. Zeng, B. Feng, X. Lu, J. Weng, J.X.Wang*. Synthesis of a RGD-grafted oxidized sodium alginate/N-succinyl chitosan hydrogel and its in vitro study of endothelial and osteogenic differentiation, J. Mater. Chem. B, 2013, 1, 4484-4492

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(47)       Y.L. Chen*, Y.J. Cui, Y. Zhang, C.H. Cheng, Y. Zhao*. Molten salt synthesis of BaPb1-xBixO3 powder at low temperatures. J Supercond Nov Magn., 2013, 26, 327-332

(48)       F.Y. Cao, Q. Jiang*, Y. Fang, S.G. Ban, S.S. Ou, H.X. Qian, Y. Zhao. In situ preparation of nickel/carbon core-shell structure by chemical vapor deposition. Applied Surface Science, 2013, 283, 958-962

(49)       X. Zhang, W.T. Wang*, Y. Zhang, M. Zhang, H. Zhang, M. Lei, Y. Zhao. Chemical solution deposition of SrZrO3 buffer layers by different polymer  additives. J Supercond Nov Magn., 2013, 26, 147-150

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(51)       L. Lv, M. Zhang, Z.T. Wei, L.Q. Yang, X.S. Yang*, Y. Zhao. Enhanced contribution of surface state and modification of magnetoresistance in FexBi2−xSe3 topological insulator crystals. Journal of Applied Physics, 2013, 113, 043923 ( 5 pages )

(52)       L.Q. Yang, X.S. Yang*, L. Lv, M. Zhang, Z.T. Wei, Y. Zhao. Non-temperature-sensitive and large low-field magnetoresistance in bonded perovskite manganite composites. J Supercond Nov Magn, 2013, 26, 2993-2996

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(72)       M. Wang, Y. Tian, S.X. Cui, L.M. Qian*. Effect of Salt Concentration on the Conformation and Friction Behaviour of DNA. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 2013, 436, 775-781 

(73)       Z.B. Cai, G.A. Zhang, Y.K. Zhu, M.X. Shen, L.P. Wang, M.H. Zhu. Torsional fretting wear of nitrogen ion implantation biomedical Ti6Al7Nb alloy under bovine serum. Tribology International, 2013, 59, 312-320  

(74)       Z.B. Cai,  M.X. Shen, J. YuS.X. Qu, M.H. Zhu. Friction and wear behaviour of UHMWPE against titanium alloy ball and alumina femoral head due to torsional fretting. International Journal of Surface Science and Engineering,2013 ,7(1), 81-95

(75)       Y.Y. Shi, W.B. Zhang, J.H. Yang, T. Huang, N. Zhang, Y. Wang*, G.P. Yuan, C.L. Zhang. Super toughening of the poly(L-lactide)/thermoplastic polyurethane blends by carbon nanotubes. RSC Adv., 2013, 3 (48), 26271-26282

(76)       J. Chen, Y. Shen, J.H. Yang, N. Zhang, T. Huang, Y. Wang*,ZW. Zhou. Trapping carbon nanotubes at the interface of polymer blend through adding graphene oxide: a facile strategy to reduce electrical resistivity. J. Mater. Chem. C., 2013, 1, 7808-7811

(77)       H.M. Chen, Y. Shen, J.H. Yang, T. Huang, N. Zhang, Y. Wang*, Z.W. Zhou. Molecular ordering and α'-form formation of poly(L-lactide) during the hydrolytic degradation. Polymer, 2013, 54, 6644-6653

(78)       H.M. Chen, Y.P. Wang, J. Chen, J.H. Yang, N. Zhang, T. Huang, Yong Wang*. Hydrolytic degradation behavior of poly(L-lactide)/SiO2 composites. Polym. Degrad. Stabil, 2013, 98, 2672-2679

(79)       J.W. Chen, J. Dai, J.H. Yang, T. Huang, N. Zhang, Y. Wang*. Annealing induced crystalline structure and mechanical properties changes of polypropylene random copolymer. J. Mater. Res., 2013, 28, 3100-3108

(80)       Y.Y. Shi, J.H. Yang, T. Huang, N. Zhang, C. Chen, Y. Wang*. Selective localization of carbon nanotubes at the interface of poly(L-lactide)/ethylene-co-vinyl acetate resulting in lowered electrical resistivity. Composites Part B, 2013, 55, 463-469

(81)       J. Chen, J.W. Chen, H.M. Chen, J.H. Yang, C. Chen, Y. Wang*. Effect of compatibilizer and clay on morphology and fracture resistance of immiscible high density polyethylene/polyamide 6 blend. Composites Part B, 2013, 54, 422-430

(82)       H.M. Chen, W.B. Zhang, X.C. Du, J.H. Yang, N. Zhang, T. Huang, Y. Wang*. Crystallization kinetics and melting behaviors of poly(L-lactide)/graphene oxides composites. Thermochim. Acta., 2013, 566, 57-70

(83)       G. Yang, X.X. Li, J,H. Yang, T. Huang, N. Zhang, X.R. Liu, Y. Wang*. Crystallization behavior of sorbitol derivative nucleated polypropylene block copolymer under high pressure. Colloid Polym. Sci., 2013, 291, 2213-2223

(84)       J. Chen, X.C. Du, W.B. Zhang, J.H. Yang, N. Zhang, T. Huang, Y. Wang*. Synergistic effect of carbon nanotubes and carbon black on electrical conductivity of PA6/ABS blend. Compos. Sci. Technol., 2013, 81, 1-8 

(85)       Y.H. Wang, Y.Y. Shi, J. Dai, J.H. Yang, T. Huang, N. Zhang, Y. Wang*. Morphology and property changes of immiscible polycarbonate/poly(L-lactide) blend induced by carbon nanotubes. Polym. Int., 2013, 62, 957-965

(86)       J.W. Chen, J. Dai, J.H. Yang, N. Zhang, T. Huang, Y. Wang*. Enhancing chain segments mobility to improve the fracture toughness of polypropylene. Chinese J. Polym.Sci., 2013, 31(2), 232-241  

(87)       J. Chen, Y.Y. Shi, J.H. Yang, N. Zhang, T. Huang, Y. Wang*. Improving interfacial adhesion between immiscible polymers by carbon nanotubes. Polymer, 2013, 54,464-471

(88)       H.M. Chen, J. Chen, L.N. Shao, J.H. Yang, T. Huang, N. Zhang, Y. Wang*. Comparative study of PLLA nanocomposites with organic montmorillonite and carbon nanotubes. J. Polym. Sci., Part B, Polym. Phys., 2013, 51, 183-196  (Cover Image)

(89)       H.M. Chen, C.X. Feng, W.B. Zhang, J.H. Yang, T. Huang, N. Zhang, Y. Wang*. Hydrolytic degradation behavior of poly(L-lactide)/carbon nanotubes nanocomposites. Polym. Degra. Stab., 2013, 98, 198-208

(90)       Y.Y. Shi, L.N. Shao, J.H. Yang, T. Huang, Y.H. Wang, N. Zhang, Y. Wang*. Highly improved Crystallization behavior of poly(L-lactide) induced by a novel nucleating agent: substituted-aryl phosphate salts. Polym. Adv. Technol., 2013, 24, 42-50

(91)       Y.H. Wang, Y.Y. Shi, J.H. Yang, T. Huang, N. Zhang, Y. Wang*. Modification of polycarbonate by adding poly(L-lactide). J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 2013, 127, 3333-3339

(92)       H.Y. Wu, X.X. Li, Ji.W. Chen, L.N. Shao, T. Huang, Y.Y. Shi, Y. Wang*. Reinforcement and toughening of polypropylene/organic montmorillonite nanocomposite using β-nucleating agent and annealing. Composites Part B., 2013, 44, 439-445

(93)       H.Y. Wu, J.W. Chen, X.C. Du, J.H. Yang, T. Huang, N. Zhang and Y. Wang*. Study on the fracture behavior of annealed immiscible polypropylene/poly(ethylene oxide) blend. Polym. Test., 2013, 32, 123-132

(94)       X.L. Xu, D. Chen, Z.G. Yi, M. Jiang, L. Wang, Z.W. Zhou*. Ximei Fan, Yong Wang, David Hui, Antimicrobial and H2O2 generation mechanisms based on oxygen vacancies in ZnO crystals. Langmiur, 2013, 29 (18), 5573-5580 

(95)       S.B. Zhu, X. Tian, L.M. Shan, Z.Y. Ding, Z.X. Kan, X.L. Xu, Z.W. Zhou*, L. Wang. Effect of Al3+ on the growth of ZnOnanograss film and its application in dye-sensitized solar cells. Ceramics International, 2013, 39, 9637-9644

(96)       S.B. Zhu, X.M. Chen, F.B. Zuo, M. Jiang, Z.W. Zhou*, David Hui. Controllable synthesis of ZnOnanograss with different morphologies and enhanced performance in dye-sensitized solar cells. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2013, 197, 69-74

(97)       T.J. Lu, M. Jiang, Z.G. Jiang, David Hui, Z.Y. Wang, Z.W. Zhou*. Effect of surface modification of bamboo cellulose fibers on mechanical properties of cellulose/epoxy composites. Composites B: Engineering, 2013, 51, 28-34

(98)       S.B. Zhu, L.M. Shan, X.N. Chen, L. He, J.J. Chen, M. Jiang, X.L. Xie, Z.W. Zhou*. Hierarchical ZnO architectures consisting of nanorod and nanosheet via a solution route for photovoltaic enhancement in dye-sensitized solar cells. RSC Advances, 2013, 3 (9), 2910 – 2916

(99)       M. Chen, Y.H. Ma, Y. Xu, X.L. Chen*, X.X. Zhang, C.H. Lu. Isolation and characterization of cellulose fibers from rice straw and its application in modified polypropylene composites. Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering, 2013, 52(15), 1566-1573

(100)    Z.D. Sun, Y.H. Ma, Y. Xu, X.L. Chen*, M. Chen, J. Yu, S.C. Hu, Z.B. Zhang. Thermal degradation and flammability behaviors of HDPE/EVA/EG composites. Polymers and Polymer Composites, 2013, 21(5), 307-313

(101)    Y. Xu, Z.D. Shun, X.L. Chen*, M. Chen, S.C. Hu, Z.B. Zhang. Mechanical properties and crystalline behavior of polycarbonate/polypropylene blends. Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part B Physics, 2013, 52(5), 716-725

(102)    J.H. Yang, C.X. Feng, J. Dai, N. Zhang, T. Huang, Y. Wang. Compatibilization of immiscible nylon 6/poly(vinylidene fluoride) blends using graphene oxides. Polymer International, 2013, 62(7), 1085-1093 

(103)    J.H. Yang, Y. Shen, W.D. He, N. Zhang, T. Huang, J.H. Zhang, Y. Wang. Synergistic effect of poly(ethylene glycol) and graphene oxides on the crystallization behavior of poly(l-lactide). Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2013,130(5), 3498-3508 

(104)    H. Liu, J. Wang, X.M. Fan, F.Z. Zhang, H.R. Liu, J. Dai, F.M. Xiang. Synthesis of Cu2O/T-ZnOW nanocompound and characterization of its photocatalytic activity and stability property under UV irradiation. Materials Science and Engineerial B, 2013, 178, 158-166

(105)    J.J. Tian, D.P. Zhang, G.D. Liu, J. Lu*, L.Y. Zhao. Utilizing fullerene-induced polymer spherulites as controlled drug delivery systems. Journal of Controlled Release, 2013, 172(1): e45-e45

(106)    D.p. Zhang, P.f. Tian, X. Chen, J. Lu*, R. Huang. Pressure- crystallized piezoelectric structures in binary fullerene C70/ poly (vinylidene fluoride) based composites. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2013, 130(3), 1823-1833

(107)    J.J. Tian, G.D. Liu, X. Chen, J. Lu*, Z.W. Zhou, R. Huang. Unique pressure-crystallized structures in ternary bisphenol-A polycarbonate/ dioctyl phthalate/fullerene C60 composites. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2013, 129(3), 1362-1373

(108)    D,P. Zhang, P.F. Tian, X. Chen, J. Lu*, Z.W. Zhou, X.M. Fan, R. Huang. Fullerene C60-induced growth of hollow piezoelectric nanowire arrays of poly (vinylidene fluoride) at high pressure. Composites Science and Technology, 2013, 77, 29-36



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(22)       潘敏,黄整,赵勇*。强关联效应下非磁性元素Ir掺杂的SmFeAsO电子结构理论研究。物理学报,201362(21)217401  (SCI )

(23)       张欣,王文涛*,张勇,张敏,张酣,雷鸣,赵勇。高分子辅助化学溶液沉积法制备涂层导体SrZrO3(SZO)缓冲层。中国有色金属学报,201323162-167   

(24)       华李成,郑靖,周仲荣。水分对猪牙表面硬度和摩擦系数的影响。摩擦学学报,201333(3)

(25)       蔡振兵,朱永奎,彭金方,张广安,沈明学,朱旻昊。Ti6Al7Nb 合金氮离子注入层在小牛血清溶液中的扭动微动摩擦磨损性能。稀有金属材料与工程,42(11)2356-2361  (SCI)

(26)       左孔成,张林,彭金方,肖新标,金学松,朱旻昊。丁腈橡胶/有机小分子共混物阻尼材料热稳定性研究。功能材料,44(24)3550-3553

(27)       朱永奎, 蔡振兵, 张广安, 彭金方, 沈明学, 沈火明, 朱旻昊。纯钛与Ti6Al7Nb合金氮离子注入层在小牛血清溶液中的扭动微动磨损试验研究。摩擦学学报,201302196-201

(28)       陈海路,胡书春*,王男,林志坚,夏根培,刘闻凤,任凯旋,冀磊,单春丰。大功率LED器件散热技术与散热材料研究进展。功能材料,201344(I)15-20

(29)       孙志丹, 徐阳, 陈晓浪*, Shaw Ling Hsu, 张志斌。立构复合结构增韧左旋聚乳酸的结构与性能研究。高分子材料科学与工程,201329(2)54-57  

(30)       刘花蓉,张冯章,邬小凤,李湘奇,周祚万,范希梅。Cu/ZnO复合材料的制备及光催化性能研究。功能材料,20137457-461


(1)           Zhongrong Zhou, Haiyang Yu, Jing Zheng, Linmao Qian, Yu Yan. Dental Biotribology. Springer New York, 2013, pp1-177. ISBN: 978-1-4614-4549-4

(2)           Jing Zheng, Zhongrong Zhou. Oral Tribology. Encyclopedia of Tribology, Editors: Q. Jane Wang, Yip Wah Chung, Springer New York, 2013, pp 4139-4144.

(3)           Shuxun Cui. The Possible Roles of Water in the Prebiotic Chemical Evolution of DNA: An Approach by Single Molecule Studies. Evolutionary Biology: Exobiology and Evolutionary Mechanisms, Editor: Pierre Pontarotti. Springer, 2013, Chapter 8, pp 109-126.

(4)           Shuxun Cui. Single-Molecule Mechanics of DNA. DNA Nanotechnology, Editor: Chunhai Fan, Springer, 2013, Chapter 6, pp 87-112.

(5)           钱林茂, 田煜, 温诗铸. 纳米摩擦学. 科学出版社, 20136. 479, ISBN: 978-7-03-037960-3

(6)           Linmao Qian*, Bingjun Yu. Adhesion Hysteresis.Encyclopedia of Tribology, Editors: Q. Jane Wang, Yip Wah Chung, Springer New York, 2013,pp 29-32.

(7)           Linmao Qian*, Jiaxin Yu. Friction Force Microscopy (FFM). Encyclopedia of Tribolog, Editors: Q. Jane Wang, Yip Wah Chung, Springer New York, 2013, pp1306-1311.





(1)           陈永亮,崔雅静,赵勇,程翠华。一种具有丰富磁性质的磁性材料及其制备方法。国家发明专利,ZL 2010 1 0200268.120130522日授权

(2)           江奇,何正文,赵勇。一种简便的制备碳纳米管化学修饰电极的方法。国家发明专利,ZL 2010 1 0180186.520130403日授权

(3)           江奇,和腊梅,卢晓英,赵勇。一种制备螺旋碳纳米管宏观体的方法。国家发明专利,ZL 2011 1  0272771.2,20130403日授权

(4)           杨峰,蔡芳共,赵勇。一种宽光谱、强吸收的表面光伏型光探测器的制备方法。国家发明专利,ZL 2011 1 034204.820130522日授权

(5)           杨峰,史占花,赵勇。有层次结构的纳米铁立方体和纳米铁花状结构的制备方法。国家发明专利,ZL 2011 1 0343740.12013121日授权

(6)           余洲,晏传鹏,张勇,李珂,刘斌,赵勇。一种制备尽带宽度可调的硒化物薄膜的方法。国家发明专利,ZL 2011 1 0343687.520131016日授权

(7)           余洲,晏传鹏,张勇,李珂,刘斌,赵勇。一种铜铟镓硒薄膜太阳能电池的制备方法。国家发明专利,ZL 2011 1 0426453.720130821日授权

(8)           张欣,张敏,赵勇,程翠华,张勇,王文涛,雷鸣。一种制备高温超导涂层导体BaZrO3缓冲层薄膜的方法。国家发明专利,ZL 2011 1 0009810.X20130814日授权

(9)           张欣,赵勇,程翠华,张勇,王文涛,雷鸣。一种制备高温超导涂层导体LaSrMnO3缓冲层薄膜的方法。国家发明专利,ZL 2011 1 0341294.020131030日授权

(10)       赵勇,陈永亮,张勇,冯勇,闫果,李来风。一种Nb3Al/Nb多芯复合超导线材的制备方法。国家发明专利,ZL 2012 1 0042888.620131016日授权

(11)       胡书春,张楠,仇迎,田馨,王秋桐,黄真浩,陈海路。一种具有核-壳结构的聚苯胺/四氧化三铁复合物的制备方法。国家发明专利,ZL 2011 1 0286812.320130403日授权

(12)       王进,杨志禄,黄楠,冷永祥,赵元聪。一种具有高生物功能性的肝素化界面材料制备方法。国家发明专利,ZL 2011 1 0195704.520130731日授权

(13)       陈俊英,刘涛,黄楠,刘诗卉,刘阳,陈圆,张琨,陈佳龙。一种在Ti表面固定载VEGF的肝素/多聚赖氨酸纳米颗粒的方法。国家发明专利,ZL 2012 1 0162504.420131218日授权

(14)       黄楠,翁亚军,杨志禄,宋强,罗日方,冷永祥,杨苹,王进,陈俊英,孙鸿,吴熹,李全利。一种基于聚多巴胺的生物功能化改性方法。国家发明专利,ZL 2010 1 0588977.1,20130403日授权

(15)       王进,杨志禄,冷永祥,孙鸿,黄楠。基于类聚乙二醇的可回收下腔静脉滤器表面膜制备方法。国家发明专利,ZL 011 1 0277736.X20130612日授权

(16)       钱林茂,周仲荣,宋晨飞,余丙军,余家欣。一种石英、玻璃材料表面的微纳米加工方法。国家发明专利,ZL 2009 1 021651.320130213日授权

(17)       钱林茂。一种多点接触模式下的大面积纳米压印硅模具加工方法。国家发明专利,ZL 2012 1 0237432.520131211日授权

(18)       莫继良,石心余,王正国,陈光雄,朱旻吴,周仲荣。一种摩擦噪声的试验分析及其试验装置。国家发明专利,ZL20121089588.020131016日授权

(19)       屈树新,药物可控时序释放的含多种药物的磷酸钙骨水泥粉末。国家发明专利,ZL 2011 1 0044949.8,无授权日期。

(20)       汪建新,黎恢永,刘霞,冯波,周绍兵,翁杰,屈树新,鲁雄,段可,卢晓英。直接界面法制备三维多级表面形貌多孔磷酸钙纳米陶瓷的方法。国家发明专利,ZL 2012 1 0032381.220130703日授权

(21)       汪建新,刘霞,翁杰,冯波,周绍兵,屈树新,段可,卢晓英,鲁雄。高氧化度的天然高分子多糖的氧化方法。国家发明专利,ZL 2011 1 037618.620130410日授权

(22)       翁杰,罗会涛,黄晶,张靖微,王宝,段可,汪建新。致密球形陶瓷颗粒制备方法。国家发明专利,ZL 2010 1 0141120.520130116日授权

(23)       周绍兵,李龙,李金绒,杨光,罗超。一种用于瘢痕修复的可降解高分子载药纤维膜。国家发明专利,ZL 2011 1 0261127.5,20131218日授权

(24)       周绍兵,肖宇,郑晓彤,龚韬,王林,翁杰。一种通过原位沉积磷酸钙对碳纳米管进行功能改性的方法。国家发明专利,ZL 2010 1 0130016.620130522日授权

(25)       钱林茂,吴治江,余丙军,宋晨飞,周仲荣。多点接触模式下的大面积摩擦诱导微米级加工装置。实用新型专利,ZL 2012 2 031439.920130116日授权

(26)       莫继良,王正国,王安宁,陈光雄,朱旻吴,周仲荣。可降低摩擦噪声的织构表面的车辆用铸铁制动盘。实用新型专利,ZL201220651040.92013522日授权

(27)       张晓宇,任平弟,郭洪,李放,蔡振兵,朱旻吴。切向和径向复合微动磨损试验设备。实用新型专利,ZL201220680116.02013717日授权

(28)       任平弟,叶毅,张晓宇,朱旻吴。一种切向和径向复合微动磨损试验装置。实用新型专利,ZL201210374558.22013213日授权

(29)       西南交通大学,摩擦诱导微纳米实验仪器控制系统。计算机软件著作权。中华人民共和国国家版权局,2013SR0-451372013515日授权



(1)           曹宝宝,博士,副教授,大连理工大学博士毕业,20081-201311月先后从,美国新奥尔良大学,先进材料研究所、美国北卡大学夏洛特分校,机械工程与工程科学系博士后出站,201311月引进。

(2)           陈渝萍,博士,讲师,中国协和医科大学博士毕业,先后从City of Hope medical centert National institute of environmental health sciences/NIH博士后出站,20132月引进。

(3)           尹冬弟,博士,讲师,上海交通大学博士毕业,20137月引进。

(4)           杨涛,博士,讲师,哈尔滨工业大学博士毕业,201310月引进。





讨会(2013FMTS),本次会议共有12个大会邀请报告,19个口头报告和78个张贴报告。其中,德国马普协会、固体科学研究所Jürgen Köhler教授、香港浸会大学Michel A. Van Hove教授、新南威尔士大学Charles C. Sorrell教授、德国马普协会、弗瑞兹哈柏研究所Klaus Hermann教授、中科院硅酸盐所曾宇平教授、分别就功能材料、能源材料、材料模拟、多空材料等方面的热点问题作了大会邀请报告。


(1)           黄楠,4th International Symposium on surface and Interface of Biomaterials2013923-28,意大利罗马,会议共同主席和组委会主席。主题报告:The new strategies for developing cardiovascular stent surface with novel functions

(2)           钱林茂,The Third International Conference on Manipulation, Manufacturing and Measurement on the Nanoscale - 3M-NANO 20132013826-30日,中国苏州。主题报告:Recent Development on Friction-induced Nanofabrication

(3)           周祚万,12th China International Conference of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology20131027-31日,中国成都。特邀报告:Gas-induced Manipulation of Nanocatalyst for Sythesis of Helical Nanofibers

(4)           周祚万,21thAnnual International Conference on Composites or Nano Engineering20130721-27日,西班牙特内里费。特邀报告:ontrollable Synthesis of Helical Structures with good yield and High Purity

(5)           周绍兵,The 12th China International Conference ofNanoScience and Technology . 20131027-31日,中国成都。邀请报告:Electrospun micelles/drug-loaded nanofibers for time-programmed multi-agent release

(6)           周绍兵,The 2nd Advanced Materials Congress-2013 (am-2013 congress)2013516-19日,中国镇江,国际会议分会主席并做邀请报告: Functionalized magnetic nanoparticles as nanocarriers for cancer therapy (Invited Lecture)

(7)           翁杰,The International Conference on Regenerative Biomedical Materials, 2-6 June, 2013, Wuhan China. 邀请报告: Porous calcium phosphate scaffolds pre-vascularised in non-osseous sites to reconstruct tibia defects

(8)           翁杰,Third Euro-India International Conference on Nanomedicine and Tissue Engineering (ICNT 2013), 9-11 August, 2013, Kottayam, Kerala India. 邀请报告: Fabrication of tissue engineering scaffolds with various porous structures and their applications in harvesting vascularized naturally bone-like grafts

(9)           鲁雄,The 4th Asian Biomaterials Congress, 26-29 June, 2013, HongKong China. 邀请报告:Computer Simulation of Biomaterial Surfaces and Interfaces

(10)       崔树勋,ICMAT 2013会议,2013630-75, 新加坡举行的,邀请报告:Single Chain Mechanics of Environmental Responsive Polymers and the Implications for the Design of Nano-devices

(11)       冷永祥,12th international workshop on plasma-based ion implantation and deposition201371-5日,法国普瓦捷。口头报告:The mechanical compatibility and corrosion resistance of the titanium oxide film for vascular stent modification

(12)       王进,4th China-Europe Symposium on Biomaterials in Regenerative Medicine201371-4日,意大利索伦托。口头报告:The deposition of extracellular matrix secreted from smooth muscle cells onto TiO2 nanotubes

(13)       陈俊英,4th China-Europe Symposium on Biomaterials in Regenerative Medicine201371-4日,意大利索伦托。口头报告:The biomimetic microenvironment construction on Titanium surface for in-situ inducing endothelium regeneration

(14)       屈树新,The International Conference on Regenerative Biomedical Materials, 2-6 June, 2013, Wuhan China. 口头报告:Calcium phosphate cement as drug system for bone tissue regeneration

(15)       屈树新,The 4th Asian Biomaterials Congress, 26-29 June, 2013, HongKong China. 口头报告:Cell response to ultra high molecular weight polyethylene wear debris carrying alendronate sodium

(16)       Yong YanThe 2013 JASP-MRS Joint Symposia, 16-20 September, 2013, Doshisha UniversityKyoto Japan. 口头报告: The effect of sputtering power on the properties of one-step deposited Cu2ZnSnSe4 thin films

(17)       郑靖,The 19th International Conference on Wear of Materials 20132013414-18日,美国波特兰,  口头报告:Effect of adsorption time on the lubricating properties of the salivary pellicle on human tooth enamelPoster报告:Effect of water content on the nanomechanical properties and microtribological behaviour of human tooth enamel

(18)       郑靖,The 5th World Tribology Congress201398-13日,意大利都灵。口头报告:Effect of organic content on the nanomechanical properties and microtribological behaviour of human tooth enamel

(19)       李炜,The 19th International Conference on Wear of Materials 20132013414-18日,美国波特兰。口头报告  Influence of exfoliating facial cleanser on the bio-tribological properties of human skin

(20)       钱林茂,The 3rd International Tribology Symposium of IFToMM2013315-21日,瑞典卢雷亚,口头报告:Mechanical and tribochemical wear of single-crystalline silicon at nanoscale

(21)       万国江,1st Annual Symposium of Innovative Materials for Therapy(IMT1)20131113-16日,中国海口,会议共同主席

(22)       王振铭,鲁雄*, The 4th Asia Biomaterials Congress, 26-29 Jun, 2013, HongKong China. 口头报告:Polysaccharides-Based Nanoparticles with Tunable Degradability Grafted on Titanium Surfaces for Drug Delivery of rhBMP-2

(23)       谢超鸣, 鲁雄*, Jie Weng, The 4th Asia Biomaterials Congress, 26-29 Jun, 2013, HongKong China. 口头报告:Dual release of silver and bone morphogenetic protein-2 from chitosan modified hydroxyapatite coatings on titanium surface

(24)       董丽, 王振铭, 鲁雄*, The 4th Asia Biomaterials Congress, 26-29 Jun, 2013, HongKong China. 口头报告:Functionalization of Titanium Surfaces with RGD-grafted and BMP-loaded Polyelectrolyte Multilayer Films

(25)       鲁雄,11th International Congress for Applied Mineralogy, 05-13 July, 2013, Mianyang China. 口头报告:Biomimetic mineralizated and nano-Ag loaded graphene oxide/chitosan hybrid scaffold for osteoinduction and antibacterium(谢超铭)

(26)       冯波,The 4th Asian Biomaterials Congress, 26-29 June, 2013, HongKong China. 张贴报告:Fabrication and biological behaviors of PLL/DNA Multilayers on Titania Nanotubes

(27)       余洲,The 2013 JASP-MRS Joint Symposia16-20 September, 2013, Doshisha UniversityKyoto Japan. 张贴报告: Annealing pressure dependence of Cu2ZnSnSe4 composition and properties

(28)       陈永亮,11th European Conference on Applied SuperconductivitySeptember 15-192013GenovaItaly. 张贴报告: Preparation of Nb3Al by high-energy ball milling and superconductivity

(29)       Yajing Cui11th European Conference on Applied SuperconductivitySeptember 15-192013GenovaItaly. 张贴报告: Transition metal doping effects on the electronic and magnetic properties of SmFeAsO

(30)       周仲荣,第十一届全国摩擦学大会,201386-8日,中国兰州。特邀报告:微创器械生理相容与交互作用机理研究

(31)       周祚万,第二届航天工程和高性能材料需求与应用高端论坛-探月工程与空间环境、新材料学术研讨会,20131010-13日,中国长沙。主题报告:长效抗菌材料在载人空间装备中应用的可行性研究

(32)       崔树勋,全国高分子学术报告会,20131012-17日,中国上海。邀请报告:温敏聚合物的单链力学

(33)       崔树勋,中国化学会第十四届胶体与界面化学会议,2013721-24日,中国长春。邀请报告:PNIPAM单链弹性的温度和溶剂响应性

(34)       鲁雄,中国生物材料学会2013年大会,20131220-23日,中国深圳。邀请报告:生物材料表面/界面计算模拟

(35)       鲁雄, 中国机械工程学会表面工程分会, 2013“生物材料表面工程专业委员会”学术论坛,20131114-16日,中国海口。邀请报告:生物材料表面/界面的计算模拟与材料基因组计划

(36)       钱林茂,2013 年海峡两岸平坦化技术研讨会,2013516-18日,中国天津。邀请报告:单晶硅在大气和水下的微观去除机理研究

(37)       钱林茂,第十届海峽两岸四地先进制造技术研讨会,2013614-19日,中国台湾。邀请报告:摩擦诱导纳米加工的原理及应用研究

(38)       鲁雄,第五届全国青年表面工程学术会议,2013528-31日,中国宁夏银川。口头报告:3-4 Polysaccharide- coated bovine serum albumin(BSA) nanoparticles assembed on titanium surfaces for dual delivery of dexamethasone and vancomycin(王振铭)

(39)       鲁雄,第十四届全国生物材料大会,2013927-30日,中国陕西西安。口头报告:Dual release of vancomycin and BMP-2 from nanoparticle embedded self-assembled oxide alginate films on Ti surfaces(韩璐)

(40)       王勇,第一届高分子成型加工及其产业发展研讨会,2013511-12日,中国成都,口头报告:增容剂为模板调控CNTs分散行为及其导电复合材料研究

(41)       王勇,2013年全国高分子学术论文报告会,2013101216日,中国上海。口头报告:聚乳酸水解初期的分子有序与结晶


(1)           2013123-25日和20131012-1120日,应黄楠教授邀请,日本同志社大学等离子体物理专家Ken Yukimura教授,来我校开展合作研究,并做三次报告。题目分别为:“Plasma production and sputtering system”,“Charged particle behaviors of magnetron discharge”,“HiPIMS technology and plasma parameter analysis”。

(2)           2013427-523日,应黄楠教授邀请,Manfred F Maitz博士,Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden,来我校开展合作研究并做报告,报告题目:心血管生物材料表面研究的发展策略。

(3)           20131022日,应屈树新教授邀请,香港理工大学康复科学系副教授,香港中文大学骨科与创伤学系兼职副教授,美国匹茨堡大学客座副教授郭霞博士,来我校做报告。报告题目:康复医学与组织再生研究。

(4)           20135月,应翁杰教授邀请,荷兰屯特大学袁惠品博士(我校客座教授)到校合作科研一个月,并在材料先进技术教育部重点实验室做报告,报告题目:改变材料物理化学性质增强其骨诱导性。

(5)           201367日,应鲁雄教授等邀请,香港科技大学冷扬教授,来我校访问并做报告,报告题目:生物活性陶瓷羟基磷灰石及其衍生物

(6)           201374-14日,应钱林茂教授邀请美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学The Pennsylvania State University化学工程系Seong H. Kim教授来校进行交流访问。在西南交通大学访问期间:①在摩擦学研究所分别以“Lubrication by one monolayer of molecules too thin or thick enough?”与“Surface texturing effect on boundary lubrication of diamond like carbon”为题进行了专题讲座;②与钱林茂教授就摩擦化学、纳米磨损、纳米制造等相关领域的合作交流开展讨论;③开展了单晶硅摩擦化学磨损及其防护方面的合作研究;④初步达成了近期学生互访的交流协议。该次来访不仅使研究生们得到了很好的相关专业知识培训,了解摩擦化学领域最新的研究进展;而且加深了我们对摩擦诱导纳米制造机理的理解,拓宽了我们在纳米磨损方面的研究领域。

(7)           2013711-20  应钱林茂教授邀请韩国摩擦学会副理事长、延世大学纳米磨损中心主任Dae-Eun Kim教授来校进行交流访问。在西南交通大学访问期间:①在摩擦学研究所以“Tribology Research Activities at the Center for Nano-Wear (CNW)”为题进行了专题讲座;②与钱林茂教授就生物摩擦学、纳米磨损、纳米制造等相关领域的合作交流开展讨论。③初步达成了开展纳米制造方面合作研究的协议。

(8)           201359-10日,应钱林茂教授邀请,加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学(The University of British Columbia)终身教授、加拿大分子纳米科学和蛋白质工程研究执行主席(Canada Research Chair in Molecular Nanoscience and Protein Engineering)、2006年获Michael Smith健康研究基金会职业研究者奖(Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research Career Investigator AwardProf. Hongbin Li教授来校进行交流访问,并做学术报告。报告题目:“Mechanical Engineering of Protein-Based Biomaterials: From Single Molecules to Functional Biomaterials Protein folding-unfolding dynamics probed by single molecule forcespectroscopy

(9)           201372日,应朱旻昊教授等邀请,法国里昂中央大学 Vincent教授一行到我校访问,并给研究生上课。

(10)       2013316-18日,应瑞典皇家理工学院表面与腐蚀科学中心Mark Rutland教授的邀请,钱林茂教授访问瑞典皇家理工学院并应邀做报告,报告题目:Tribology Research in Southwest Jiaotong University

(11)       20131126日,应周祚万教授等邀请,Jihua Gou教授,美国中佛罗里达大学机械与航空工程系复合材料与结构研究室主任,在我校逸夫馆4307A做报告,报告题目:Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Polymer Nanocomposites

(12)       20130630日,应周祚万教授等邀请,David Hui教授,美国新奥尔良大学教授,在我校逸夫馆4209做报告,报告题目:Composites under Harsh Enviroments: Extreme Temperature

(13)       20130419日,应周祚万教授等邀请,德国海德堡癌症研究中心原主席、2008年诺贝尔医学奖获得者,德国埃朗根-纽伦堡大学病毒学教授HaraldzurHausen博士在我校国际会议厅做报告,报告题目:The Search for lnfectious Causes of Human Cancerse

(14)       201311-20143月,杨静晖副教授,前往美国德雷赛尔大学(drexel university)工程院材料系访问交流。美方导师: Christopher Y. Li, 交流内容:基于PVDF基纳米复合材料的界面结晶行为研究

(15)       2013912日,应翁杰教授邀请,北京大学口腔医学院林红教授在材料先进技术教育部重点实验室做报告,报告题目:医疗器械管理规范及注册。





(1)           J. Wang, Y.H. He, M.F. Maitz, B. Collin, K.Q. Xion, L.S. Guo, Y.H. Yun, G.J. Wan, N. Huang. A surface-eroding poly(1,3-trimethylene carbonate) coating for fully biodegradable magnesium-based stent applications: Toward better biofunction, biodegradation and biocompatibility. Acta Biomaterialia, 2013, 9(10), 8678-8689

(2)           Z.L. Yang, Y. Yang, W. Yan, Q.F. Tu, J. Wang, N. Huang. Construction of polyfunctional coatings assisted by gallic acid to facilitate co-immobilization of diverse biomolecules. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2013, 5(21), 10495-10501

(3)           Q.F.Tu, Z.L. Yang, Y. Zhu, K.Q. Xiong, M. F. Maitz, J. Wang, Y.C. Zhao, N. Huang, J. Jin, Y.C. Lei. Effect of tissue specificity on the performance of extracellular matrix in improving endothelialization of cardiovascular implants. Tissue Engineering Part A, 2013, 19(1-2), 91-102

(4)           Y.Q. Chen, G.J. Wan, J. Wang, S. Zhao, Y.C. Zhao, N. Huang. Covalent immobilization of phytic acid on Mg by alkaline pre-treatment: corrosion and degradation behavior in phosphate buffered saline. Corrsoion science, 2013, 75, 280-286

(5)           S.B. Zhou*, J. Fan, Sujit S. Datta, M. Guo, X. Guo and David A. Weitz, Thermally Switched Release from Nanoparticle Colloidosomes. Advanced Functional Materials, 2013, 23, 5925-5929.

(6)           X. Guo, C.L. Shi, J. Wang, S.B. Di, S.B. Zhou*. pH-triggered intracellular release from actively targeting polymer Micelles. Biomaterials, 2013, 34 , 4544-4554

(7)           X. Liu, W.Z. Peng, Y. Zeng, B. Feng, X. Lu, J. Weng, J.X. Wang*. Synthesis of a RGD-grafted oxidized sodium alginate/N-succinyl chitosan hydrogel and its in vitro study of endothelial and osteogenic differentiation. J. Mater. Chem. B, 2013, 1, 4484-4492.

(8)           H. Wang, W. Zhi,X. Lu, X. Li,K. Duan, R. Duan, Y. Mu, J. Weng *. Comparative studies on ectopic bone formation in porous hydroxyapatite scaffolds with complementary pore structures. Acta Biomater. 2013, 9, 8413-8421

(9)           Y. Zhao*, W.T. Wang, M. Lei, M.H. Pu, Y. Zhang, C.H. Cheng. Progress of long coated conductors fabrication with fluorine-free CSD method at SWJTU. Physica C, 2013, 493, 77-79

(10)       Y.L. Chen*, Y.J. Cui, Y. Zhang, C.H. Cheng, Y. Zhao*. Molten salt synthesis of BaPb1-xBixO3 powder at low temperatures. J Supercond Nov Magn., 2013, 26, 327-332

(11)       F.Y. Cao, Q. Jiang*, Y. Fang, S.G. Ban, S.S. Ou, H.X. Qian, Y. Zhao. In situ preparation of nickel/carbon core-shell structure by chemical vapor deposition. Applied Surface Science, 2013, 283, 958-962

(12)       Y. Yu, X.M. Kang, X.S. Yang, L.H. Yuan, W. Feng, S.X. Cui*. Surface charge inversion of self-assembled monolayers by visible light irradiation: cargo loading and release by photoreactions. Chem. Commun, 2013, 49, 3431-3433

(13)       K.F. Wang, X.C. Pang, S.X. Cui*. Inherent Stretching Elasticity of a Single Polymer Chain with a Carbon-Carbon Backbone. Langmuir, 2013, 29, 4315-4319

(14)       X.L. Xu, D. Chen, Z.G. Yi, M. Jiang, L. Wang, Z.W. Zhou*, X.M. Fan, Y. Wang, David Hui. Antimicrobial and H2O2 generation mechanisms based on oxygen vacancies in ZnO crystals. Langmiur, 2013, 29 (18), 5573-5580

(15)       H.M. Chen, Y. Shen, J.H. Yang, T. Huang, N. Zhang, Y. Wang*, Z.W. Zhou. Molecular ordering and α'-form formation of poly(L-lactide) during the hydrolytic degradation. Polymer, 2013, 54, 6644-6653

(16)       D.P. Zhang, P.F. Tian, X. Chen, J. Lu*, Z.W. Zhou, X.M. Fan, R. Huang. Fullerene C60-induced growth of hollow piezoelectric nanowire arrays of poly (vinylidene fluoride) at high pressure. Composites Science and Technology, 2013, 77, 29-36


2014年06月24日 16:22 308次浏览




实验室英文名称:Key Laboratory of Advanced Technologies of Materials, Ministry of Education.






(1)          材料诱导干细胞定向分化的微环境及其构建(2011CB606204),国家973计划项目,国家级,黄楠,2011.01-2015.12184万元

(2)          高性能Nb3Al超导线材结构设计、加工和热处理研究(2011GB112001),科技部ITER专项,国家级,赵勇,2011.10-2014.10, 342万元

(3)          天然纤维素绿色制浆与纺丝工程化技术开发(2011BAE11B01),国家科技支撑计划课题,国家级,周祚万,2012-2014年,子课题总经费500万元(我校300万元)

(4)          生长因子在微纳结构材料中的高活性固载及控释(2012CB933602),国家973计划项目子课题,国家级,周绍兵,2012.01-2016.12135万元

(5)          多级微纳结构支架调控细胞行为(2012CB933602),国家973计划项目子课题,翁杰,2012.1-2016.12135万元

(6)          新型软组织修复及术中生物材料2012BAI17B06-2, 国家科技支撑计划,国家级,周绍兵,2012.1-2015.1222.5万元

(7)          新型软组织修复及术中生物材料(2012BAI17B06-1),国家科技支撑计划,国家级,李孝红,2012.1-2015.1222.5万元

(8)          高温超导线材及导体研制及性能研究(2013GB110001),科技部ITER专项,国家级,赵勇,2013.6-2016.645万元

(9)          先进高场磁体材料Nb3Al制备技术的联合研发(2013DFA51050),国家科技合作计划项目,国家级,赵勇,2013.04-2016.04374万元

(10)      基于微纳图形与表面修饰协同效应的仿生矿化研究(31070851),国家自然科学基金,国家级,鲁雄,2011.01-2013.1233万元

(11)      基于低强度脉冲超声刺激的3D仿生基质骨组织工程复合支架的研究(51072160),国家自然科学基金,国家级,汪建新,2011.01-2013.12, 37万元

(12)      骨植入体表面含生物活性物质复合涂层研究(81071456),国家自然科学基金,国家级,段可,2011.01-2013.12, 32万元

(13)      三维微图案化超细纤维支架的构建及调控功能性组织的形成(51073130),国家自然科学基金,国家级,李孝红,2011.01-2013.1237万元

(14)      内皮细胞分泌的细胞外基质提高心血管移植材料生物相容性的机理研究及其对人工构建生物仿生界面的指导意义(31000426),国家自然科学基金,国家级,涂秋芬,2011.1-2013.1219万元

(15)      REFeAsO体系超导电性的研究及其相关体系的探索(11004162),国家自然科学基金,国家级,崔雅静, 2011.01-2013.1220

(16)      基于化学法的YBCO超导薄膜的离子缺陷钉扎研究及快速制备探索(51072168),国家自然科学基金,国家级,蒲明华,2011.01-2013.1235万元

(17)      新型粘结钙钛矿锰氧化物体系的制备及性能研究(51002125),国家自然科学基金,国家级,羊新胜,2011.01-2013.1220万元

(18)      表面织构控制摩擦振动噪声的机理研究(51005191),国家自然科学基金,国家级,莫继良,2011.1-2013.1220万元

(19)      无渣轨道扣件系统松动的摩擦学机理研究(51005192),国家自然科学基金,国家级,蔡振兵,2011.01-2013.1220万元

(20)      温敏聚合物的单分子力谱研究(21074102),国家自然科学基金,国家级,崔树勋,2011.1-2013.1238万元

(21)      聚合物/可膨胀石墨阻燃复合材料在层状受限空间下的形状结构与性能(11104224),国家自然科学基金,国家级,陈晓浪,2011.1-2013.1220万元

(22)      Ti基材料表面抗凝/诱导内皮双功能修饰层构建、评价及双功能竞争与平衡的分子机制(31170916),国家自然科学基金,国家级,陈俊英,2012.01-2015.12, 65万元

(23)      等离子体聚氧乙烯功能化薄膜的合成及其抗生物粘附特性研究(51173149),国家自然科学基金,国家级,王进, 2012.01-2015.12, 60万元

(24)      纳米Ti-O薄膜、Co合金体系的变形、疲劳行为及其在冠状动脉血管支架表面改性中的应用(81171462),国家自然科学基金, 国家级,谢东,2012.01-2015.1258万元

(25)      聚醚-聚酸酐胶束的形貌调控及其对肿瘤细胞生长影响的研究(51173150),国家自然科学基金金,国家级,周绍兵,2012.01-2015.1260万元

(26)      纳米相表面修饰多尺度孔隙结构骨再生支架研究(51172188),国家自然科学基金,国家级,翁杰,2012.1-2015.1260万元

(27)      ZrCuSiAs型钴基化合物的磁性研究,国家自然科学基金(11104224),国家级,陈永亮,2012.1-2014.1225万元

(28)      无氟化学溶液沉积法动态连续制备第二代高温超导带材SmBCO超导层研究(51102199),国家自然科学基金,国家级,王文涛, 2012.1-2014.12,25万元

(29)      人体残肢皮肤摩擦自适应机制研究及舒适性假肢界面设计(51175440),国家自然科学基金,国家级,李炜,2012.01-2015.1260

(30)      基于配位聚合的纳米螺旋纤维生长机理及螺旋纤维纸研制(51173148),国家自然科学基金,国家级,周祚万,2012.1-2015.12年,60万元

(31)      第二组分引导聚丙烯退火过程中微纳米结构演化及其增韧机理(51173151),国家自然科学基金,国家级,王勇,2012.01-2015.1256万元

(32)      磁场与纳米体系介导的铁基可降解血管支架与生物体的相互作用(81271701),国家自然科学基金,国家级,黄楠,2013.1-2016.12100

(33)      类碳复合陶瓷薄膜对金属-金属人工关节摩擦界面调控机理研究(81271953),国家自然科学基金,国家级,冷永祥,2013.1-2016.1270

(34)      聚合物纤维控释载药胶束及靶向作用机制(21274117),国家自然科学基金,国家级,李孝红,2013.1-2016.1285万元

(35)      催化释放一氧化氮的手性微环境及其细胞相容性研究(31270020),国家自然科学基金,国家级,翁亚军,2013.1-2016.1280万元

(36)      基于氢键作用的溶剂响应型可降解高分子形状记忆纳米复合材料的研究(51203130),国家自然科学基金,国家级,郑晓彤,2013.1-2015.1225万元

(37)      高性能Nb3Al超导材料的制备及成相特征与性能研究(5127155),国家自然科学基金,张勇,2013.01-2016.1280万元

(38)      狭缝涂覆技术结合高分子辅助化学溶液沉积法动态制备涂层导体带材工艺中关键问题研究(51202202),国家自然科学基金青年基金,国家级,雷鸣,2013.01-2015.1225万元

(39)      微创器械生理相容与交互作用机理研究(51290291),国家自然科学基金重大项目,国家级,周仲荣,2013.1-2017.12230万元

(40)      生物大分子单链力学(21222401),国家自然科学基金,国家级,崔树勋,2013.1-2015.12100万元

(41)      氧化石墨烯调控不相容共混物界面结构与性能的研究(51203129),国家自然科学基金,国家级,杨静晖,2013.1-2015.1225万元

(42)      高性能Nb3Al超导材料的制备及成相特征与性能研究,国家自然科学基金(5127155),国家自然科学基金,张勇,2013.01-2016.1280万元

(43)      结合微纳加工技术的材料表面生物功能化修饰(NCET-10-0704),教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划,省部级,鲁雄,2011.01-2013.1250万元

(44)      人体硬组织的关键摩擦学问题研究(NCET-10-0707),教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划,省部级,郑靖,2011.1-2013.1250

(45)      纳米相表面修饰多尺度孔隙结构骨再生支架研究(2010FZ0048),四川省科技支撑项目,省部级,翁杰,2011.01-2013.1210万元

(46)      生物医用钛金属表面微纳图案化与仿生功能化(2011JQ0010),四川省杰出青年学术技术带头人资助计划,省部级,鲁雄,2011.01-2013.1230万元

(47)      人体生物摩擦学的关键科学问题研究(2010JQ0081),四川省青年科技基金创新团队,省部级,钱林茂,2010.11-2013.1030

(48)      扭动微动摩擦学第三体的形成、演变及其作用机制研(20100184120002) ,教育部博士点专项基金,省部级,蔡振兵,2011.1-2013.123.6万元

(49)      多层聚合物/膨胀石墨阻燃复合材料的研究(20110184120029),教育部博士点专项基金,省部级,陈晓浪,2011.1-2013.12 3.6万元

(50)      退火诱导β-聚丙烯基纳米复合材料结构演变及断裂力学行为研究(2012JQ0057),四川省杰出青年基金后续资助,省部级,王勇,2012.01-2013.1210万元

(51)      自支撑氧化钛纳米膜卷管及光催化电解水制氢应用,四川省杰出青年学术带头人项目(2012JQ0001),省部级,万国江, 2012.1- 2013.12 50万元

(52)      人体天然牙的摩擦磨损-酸蚀-再矿化修复耦合作用机制研究(2012JQ0016),四川省杰出青年科学基金,郑靖,2012.1-2014.1250

(53)      ZrCuSiAsRECoPNO的低温晶体结构和磁性研究(20110184120029), 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金, 省部级,陈永亮,2012.1-2014.124万元

(54)      大型节能灯具及配件生产项目(Q024131108010151),四川省省级新兴产业发展专项资金项目,省部级,胡书春,2012-201420万元

(55)      Ti-Cu系薄膜的高能脉冲磁控溅射制备及对血管支架材料表面抗凝血性能的影响(WJTU12CX014),中央高校基本科研业务费科技创新项目,省部级,景凤娟,2012-201310万元

(56)      组装型吸波剂的制备与研究(SWJTU09CX051),中央高校基本科研业务费科技创新项目,2012-201310万元

(57)      Cu2-XS/TiO2纳米管异质结阵列的表面态、界面电场调控及其对光电性质的影响(20120184120024),高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金, 省部级,杨峰,2013.01-2015.124万元

(58)      农作物秸秆纤维素的环保化提取与高值化综合利用成套技术,四川省科技创业领军人才计划(2013RZ0036),省部级,周祚万,2013.09-2015.0930万元

(59)      农作物桔杆组分的环保化分离和高值化利用成套技术,四川省科技计划项目(2011GZX0052),省部级,姜曼,2013.1-2014.1210万元

(60)      纳米新材料关键技术开发及应用,四川省科技计划项目(2013GZX0135),省部级,徐晓玲,2013.1-2015.1220万元

(61)      高性能组装型吸波剂、隐身材料的研制与吸波新机制研究,四川省科技支撑计划项目(2013GZ0049),省部级,胡书春,2013-201520万元

(62)      水、垢样分析及化学清洗和水处理药剂开发,横向项目,胡书春,2012-2014年,60万元





(1)          莫继良,入选2013年度教育部“新世纪”优秀人才支持计划

(2)          鲁雄,入选第十批四川省学术和技术带头人后备人选

(3)          王进,入选第十一批四川省有突出贡献的优秀专家

(4)          翁亚军,入选四川省杰出青年学术技术带头人培育计划

(5)          周祚万,2013年四川省科技创业领军人才




(1)           J. Wang, Y.H. He, Manfred F. Maitz, Boyce Collins, K.Q. Xion, L.S. Guo, Y.H. Yun, G.J. Wan, N. Huang. A surface-eroding poly(1,3-trimethylene carbonate) coating for fully biodegradable magnesium-based stent applications: Toward better biofunction. biodegradation and biocompatibility. Acta Biomaterialia, 2013, 9(10), 8678-8689 

(2)           Z.L. Yang, Y. Yang, W. Yan, Q.F. Tu, J. Wang, N. Huang. Construction of polyfunctional coatings assisted by gallic acid to facilitate co-immobilization of diverse biomolecules. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,  2013, 5(21), 10495-10501  

(3)           R.F. Luo, L.L. Tang, S. Zhong, Z.L. Yang, J. Wang, Y.J. Weng, Q.F. Tu, C.X. Jiang, N. Huang. In Vitro Investigation of Enhanced Hemocompatibility and Endothelial Cell Proliferation Associated with Quinone-Rich Polydopamine Coating. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2013, 5(5), 1704-1714  

(4)           Q.F. Tu, Z.L. Yang, Y. Zhu, .K.Q. Xiong, Manfred F. Maitz, J. Wang, Y.C. Zhao, N. Huang, Jian Jin, Yuechang Lei. Effect of tissue specificity on the performance of extracellular matrix in improving endothelialization of cardiovascular implants. Tissue Engineering Part A, 2013, 19(1-2), 91-102  

(5)           Y.Q. Chen, G.J. Wan, J. Wang, S. Zhao, Y.C. Zhao, N. Huang. Covalent immobilization of phytic acid on Mg by alkaline pre-treatment: corrosion and degradation behavior in phosphate buffered saline. Corrsoion Science, 2013, 75, 280-286  

(6)           G.J. Wan, P. Li, X. Xiang, J.Z. Zhou, N. Huang. Responsive surface charge transfer doping effect of reductive bio-molecules (glucose, fucoidan and heparin) contacting on semiconducting titanium oxide films. Journal of Materials Science, 2013, 48, 4109-4116  

(7)           D. Xie, G.J. Wan, Manfred F. Maitz, H. Sun, N. Huang. Deformation and Corrosion Behaviors of Ti-O Film Deposited 316L Stainless Steel by Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation and Deposition. Surface & Coatings Technology, 2013, 214, 117-123  

(8)           W.C. Xie, J. Chen, J. Lang, P. Yang, H. Sun, N. Huang. Nanomesh of Cu fabricated by combining nanosphere lithography and high power pulsed magnetron sputtering and a preliminary study aboutits function. Applied Surface Science, 2013, 283, 100-106  

(9)           J.G. Li, K. Zhang, P. Yang, Y.Z. Liao, L.L. Wu, J.L. Chen, A.S. Zhao, G.C. Li, N. Huang. Research of smooth muscle cells response to fluid flow shear stress by hyaluronic acid micro-pattern on a titanium surface. Experimental Cell Research, 2013, 319(17), 2663-2672  

(10)       J.G. Li, G.C. Li, K. Zhang, Y.Z. Liao, P. Yang, Manfred F. Maitz, N. Huang. Co-culture of vascular endothelial cells and smooth muscle cells by hyaluronic acid micro-pattern on titanium surface. Applied Surface Science, 2013, 273, 24-31  

(11)       J.G. Li, K. Zhang, P. Yang, W. Qin, G.C. Li, A.S. Zhao, N. Huang. Human vascular endothelial cell morphology and functional cytokine secretion influenced by different size of HA micro-pattern on titanium substrate. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2013, 110, 199-207

(12)       J. Li, P. Yang, K. Zhang, H.L. Ren, N. Huang. Preparation of SiO2/TiO2 and TiO2/TiO2 micropattern and their effects on platelet adhesion and endothelial cell regulation. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 2013, 307, 575-579  

(13)       F.M. Zhang, G.C. Li, P. Yang, W. Qin, C.H. Li, N. Huang. Fabrication of biomolecule-PEG micropattern on titanium surface and its effects on platelet adhesion. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2013, 102, 457-465

(14)       Q. Li, F.Q. Jiang, Y.X. Leng, R.H. Wei, N. Huang. Microstructure and tribological properties of Ti(Cr)SiCN coating deposited by plasma enhanced magnetron sputtering. Vacuum, 2013, 89, 168-173  

(15)       Y.J. Zheng, Y.X. Leng, X. Xin, Z.Y. Xu, F.Q. Jiang, R.H. Wei, N. Huang. Evaluation of mechanical properties of Ti(Cr)SiC(O)N coated cemented carbide Tools. Vacuum, 2013, 90, 50-58  

(16)       J. Liu, X. Wang, B.J. Wu, T.F. Zhang, Y.X. Leng, N. Huang Tribocorrosion behavior of DLC-coated CoCrMo alloy in simulated biological environment. Vacuum, 2013, 92, 39-43  

(17)       Zhaoying Xu, Y.J. Zheng, F. Jiang, Y.X. Leng, Hong Sun, Nan Huang. The microstructure and mechanical properties of multilayer diamond-like carbon films with different modulation ratios. Applied Surface Science, 2013, 264, 207-212  

(18)       T.L. Yin, F.J. Jing, H. Sun, Y.X. Leng, Ken Yukimura, N. Huang. Microstructure and platelet adhesion behavior of titanium oxide filmssynthesized by reactive high-power pulse magnetron sputtering. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 2013, 41(8), 1837-1843  

(19)       X. Wang, J. Liu, J.Y. Chen, Y.X.Leng, N. Huang. The wear and failure process of the TiN and DLC films monitored with the open circuit potential. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 2013, 41(8), 1844-1849  

(20)       R.F. Luo, L.L. Tang, J. Wang, Y.C. Zhao, Q.F. Tu, Y.J. Weng, R. Shen, N. Huang. Improved immobilization of biomolecules to quinone-rich polydopamine for efficient surface functionalization. Colloids and Surfaces B Biointerfaces, 2013, 106, 66-73  

(21)       K. Zhang, J.G. Li, K. Deng, T. Liu, J.Y. Chen, N. Huang. The endothelialization and hemocompatibility of the functional multilayer on titanium surface constructed with type IV collagen and heparin. Colloids and Surfaces B Biointerfaces, 2013, 108, 295-304  

(22)       P.K. Qi, Manfred F. Maitz, N. Huang. Surface modification of cardiovascular materials and implants. Surface & Coatings Technology, 2013, 233, 80-90  

(23)       S.H. Liu, T. Liu, J.Y. Chen, Manfred Maitz, C. Chen, N. Huang. Influence of a layer-by-layer-assembled multilayer of anti-CD34 antibody, vascular endothelial growth factor, and heparin on the endothelialization and anticoagulation of titanium surface. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 2013, 101(4), 1144-1157  

(24)       J.L. Chen, N. Huang, B.L. Ma, Manfred F. Maitz, J. Wang, J.G. Li, Q.L. Li, Y.C. Zhao, K.Q. Xiong, X. Liu. Guidance of stem cells to a target destination in Vivo by Magnetic nanoparticles in a magnetic field. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2013, 5(5),  5976-5985  

(25)       L. Wang, X.F. Yang, H.C. Chen, T. Gong, W.B. Li, G. Yang, and S.B. Zhou*. Design of Triple-Shape Memory Polyurethane with Photo-crosslinking of Cinnamon Groups. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2013, 5, 10520-10528.  

(26)       L. Wang, X.F. Yang, H.M. Chen, G. Yang, T. Gong, W.B. Li, S.B. Zhou*. Multi-stimuli sensitive shape memory poly(vinyl alcohol)-graft-polyurethane. Polym. Chem., 2013,4, 4461-4468  

(27)       S.B. Zhou*, J. Fan, Sujit S. Datta, M. Guo, X. Guo, David A. Weitz. Thermally Switched Release from Nanoparticle Colloidosomes. Advanced Functional Materials, 2013, 23, 5925-5929 

(28)       Tao Chen, Xing Guo,Aijun Zhao, Jie Wang,Chunli Shi and Shaobing Zhou*. Morphological transition of self-assembled architectures from PEG-based ether-anhydride terpolymers. Soft Matter, 2013, 9, 3021-3031 

(29)       W.B. Li, T. Gong, H.M. Chen, L. Wang, J.R. Li and S.B. Zhou*. Tuning surface micropattern features using a shape memory functional polymer. RSC Adv., 2013, 3, 9865-9874  

(30)       H.M. Chen, Y. Liu, T. Gong, L. Wang, K.Q. Zhao, S.B. Zhou*. Use of intermolecular hydrogen bonding to synthesize triple-shape memory supermolecular composites. RSC Adv., 2013, 3, 7048-7056  

(31)       X. Guo, C.L. Shi, J. Wang, S.B. Di, S.B.Zhou*. pH-triggered intracellular release from actively targeting polymer Micelles. Biomaterials, 2013, 34, 4544-4554  

(32)       Z. Zhang, Q.Q. Qu, J.R. Li, S.B. Zhou*. The Effect of the Hydrophilic/Hydrophobic Ratio of Polymeric Micelles on their Endocytosis Pathways into Cells. Macromol. Biosci. 2013, 13, 789-798

(33)       J. Huang, S.X. Qu, J. Wang, D. Yang, K. Duan, J. Weng. Reciprocating sliding wear behavior of alendronate sodium-loaded UHMWPE under different tribological conditions. Materials Science and Engineering C, 2013, 33(5), 3001-3009  

(34)       S.Z. Lin, S.X. Qu, L.N. Chang, Y.H. Guo, K. Duan, J. Weng. The drug-carrier interactions, release behaviours and cell respeonse of hydroxyapatite containing several Chinese medicines. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci. Ed., 2013, 28(1), 163-171  

(35)       S.X. Qu, Y.L. Bai, X.M. Liu, .R Fu, K. Duan, J. Weng. Study on in vitro release of and cell response to alendronate sodium-loaded ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene loaded with alendronate sodium wear particles to treat the particles-induced osteolysis. Journal of Biomedical Material Research A, 2013, 101(2), 394-403

(36)       L. Zhao, Q.J. Liu, S.L. Yan, Z.J. Chen, J.M. Chen, X.H. Li*. Multimeric immobilization of alcohol oxidase on electrospun fibers for valid tests of alcoholic saliva. J. Biotech., 168, 46-54

(37)       F. Chen, H.Y. Wan, T. Xia, X.Q. Guo, H. Wang, Yaowen Liu, Xiaohong Li*. Promoted regeneration of mature blood vessels by electrospun fibers with loaded multiple pDNA-calcium phosphate nanoparticles. Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm., 85, 699-710  

(38)       H. Wang, Y. Zhang, T. Xia, W. Wei, F. Chen, X.Q. Guo, X.H. Li*. Synergistic promotion of blood vessel regeneration by astragaloside IV and ferulic acid from electrospun fibrous mats. Mol. Pharm., 10, 2394-2403

(39)       H. Wang, W. Zhi, X. Lu, X.H. Li, K. Duan, R.Q. Duan, Y.D. Mu, J. Weng*. Comparative studies on ectopic bone formation in porous hydroxyapatite scaffolds with complementary pore structures. Acta Biomater., 2013, 9,  8413-8421

(40)       D. Li, X. Lu*, H. Lin, F.Z. Ren, Y. Leng. Chitosan/bovine serum albumin co-micropatterns on functionalized titanium surfaces and their effects on osteoblasts. Journal of Materials Science Materials in Medicine, 2013, 24, 489-502

(41)       Y.N. Guo, X. Lu*, J. Weng, Y. Leng. Density functional theory study of the interaction of arginine-glycine-aspartic acid with graphene, defective graphene, and graphene oxide. J. Phys. Chem. C, 2013, 117 (11), 5708-5717

(42)       X. Liu, W.Z. Peng, Y. Zeng, B. Feng, X. Lu, J. Weng, J.X.Wang*. Synthesis of a RGD-grafted oxidized sodium alginate/N-succinyl chitosan hydrogel and its in vitro study of endothelial and osteogenic differentiation, J. Mater. Chem. B, 2013, 1, 4484-4492

(43)       H. Li, J.F. Bai, B. Feng, X. Lu, J. Weng, C.X. Jiang, J.X. Wang*. Dye-sensitized solar cells with a tri-layer ZnO photo-electrode. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2013, 578, 507-511 

(44)       H.R. Li, Q. Cui, B. Feng, J.X.Wang, X. Lu, J. Weng. Antibacterial activity of TiO2 nanotubes: Influence of crystal phase, morphology and Ag deposition. Applied Surface Science, 2013, 284, 179-183

(45)       C.J. Zhao, B. Feng, Y.T. Li, J. Tan, X. Lu, J. Weng. Preparation and antibacterial activity of titanium nanotubes loaded with Ag nanoparticles in the dark and under the UV light. Applied  Surface  Science, 2013, 280, 8-14

(46)       Y. Zhao*, W.T. Wang, M. Lei, M.H. Pu, Y. Zhang, C.H. Cheng. Progress of long coated conductors fabrication with fluorine-free CSD method at SWJTU. Physica C, 2013, 493, 77-79

(47)       Y.L. Chen*, Y.J. Cui, Y. Zhang, C.H. Cheng, Y. Zhao*. Molten salt synthesis of BaPb1-xBixO3 powder at low temperatures. J Supercond Nov Magn., 2013, 26, 327-332

(48)       F.Y. Cao, Q. Jiang*, Y. Fang, S.G. Ban, S.S. Ou, H.X. Qian, Y. Zhao. In situ preparation of nickel/carbon core-shell structure by chemical vapor deposition. Applied Surface Science, 2013, 283, 958-962

(49)       X. Zhang, W.T. Wang*, Y. Zhang, M. Zhang, H. Zhang, M. Lei, Y. Zhao. Chemical solution deposition of SrZrO3 buffer layers by different polymer  additives. J Supercond Nov Magn., 2013, 26, 147-150

(50)       L. Lv, D. J. Zhou, M. Zhang, L.Q. Yang, X.S. Yang*, Y. Zhao. Observation of nano-scaled defects in Fe doped Bi2Se3 topological insulator crystal. Materials Letters, 2013, 99, 118-121

(51)       L. Lv, M. Zhang, Z.T. Wei, L.Q. Yang, X.S. Yang*, Y. Zhao. Enhanced contribution of surface state and modification of magnetoresistance in FexBi2−xSe3 topological insulator crystals. Journal of Applied Physics, 2013, 113, 043923 ( 5 pages )

(52)       L.Q. Yang, X.S. Yang*, L. Lv, M. Zhang, Z.T. Wei, Y. Zhao. Non-temperature-sensitive and large low-field magnetoresistance in bonded perovskite manganite composites. J Supercond Nov Magn, 2013, 26, 2993-2996

(53)       L. Lv, M. Zhang, Z.T. Wei, L.Q. Yang, X.S. Yang*, Y. Zhao. Magnetoresistance in topological insulator MnxBi2−xSe3 crystals. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2013, 2715, 1362036 ( 5 pages )  

(54)       L.Q. Yang, X.S. Yang*, L. LV, Y. Zhao. Electrical transport and low-field magnetoresistance in La0.8Sr0.2MnO3/Zn composites. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2013, 27(15), 1362012 ( 4 pages )

(55)       M. Lei, X.S. Yang, Y. Zhao*. Fabrication of SmBiO3/NiO double buffer layer for coated conductors. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2013, 27(15), 1362018 ( 6 pages )

(56)       M. Lei, X.F. Pan, X.S. Yang, W.T. Wang, F. Yang, Y. Zhao*. Preparation of Sm0.2Ce0.8O1.9-X buffer by reel-to-reel slot-die coating. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2013, 27(15), 1362019 ( 6 pages )

(57)       Y.F. Jia, F. Yang*, F.G. Cai, C.H. Cheng, Y. Zhao*. Photoelectrochemical and charge transfer properties of SnS/TiO2 heterostructure nanotube arrays. Electron. Mater. Lett.,2013, 9(3), 287-291

(58)       F.G. Cai, F. Yang*, J.F. Xi, Y.F. Jia, C.H. Cheng, Y. Zhao*. Ultrasound effect: Preparation of PbS/TiO2 heterostructure nanotube arrays through successive ionic layer adsorption and the reaction method. Mater. Lett., 2013, 107, 39-41

(59)       F.G. Cai, F. Yang*, Y.F. Jia, C. Ke, C.H. Cheng, Y. Zhao*. Bi2S3-modified TiO2 nanotube arrays: easy fabrication of heterostructure and effective enhancement of  photoelectrochemical property. J. Mater. Sci., 2013, 48, 6001-6007

(60)       J. Zheng, Y. Li, M.Y. Shi, Y.F. Zhang, L.M. Qian, Z.R. Zhou*. Microtribological behaviour of human tooth enamel and artificial hydroxyapatite. Tribology Internationa2013, 63, 177-185  

(61)       L. Zheng, J. Zheng, Y.F. Zhang, L.M. Qian, Z.R. Zhou*. Effect of CPP-ACP on the remineralization of acid-eroded human tooth enamel: nanomechanical properties and microtribological behaviour study. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 2013, 46, 404006 (9pp)

(62)       J. Zheng, L.Q. Weng, M.Y. Shi, J. Zhou, L.C. Hua, L.M. Qian, Z.R. Zhou*. Effect of water content on the nanomechanical properties and microtribological behaviour of human tooth enamel. Wear, 2013, 301(1-2), 316-323

(63)       Y.F. Zhang, J. Zheng*, L.Zheng, X.Y. Shi, L.M. Qian, Z.R. Zhou. Effect of adsorption time on the lubricating properties of the salivary pellicle on human tooth enamel. Wear, 2013, 301(1-2), 300-307 

(64)       L. Zheng,  Y. Li,  J. Zheng* , M. Wen,  Y.F. Zhang,  L.M. Qian,  Z.R. Zhou. A comparative study on the sliding wear behaviors of human tooth enamel Cu–Zn alloy and Al2O3 ceramic. Wear, 2013, 301(1-2), 308-315 

(65)       X.C. Pang, S.X. Cui*. Single-Chain Mechanics of Poly(N,N-diethyl- acrylamide) and Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide): Comparative Study Reveals the Effect of Hydrogen Bond Donors. Langmuir, 2013, 29 (39), 12176-12182

(66)       X.C. Pang, K.F. Wang, S.X. Cui*. Single-chain mechanics of poly(N-isopropyl-acrylamide) in the water/methanol mixed solvent. Polymer, 2013, 54, 3737-3743

(67)       K.F. Wang, X.C. Pang, S.X. Cui*. Inherent Stretching Elasticity of a Single Polymer Chain with a Carbon-Carbon Backbone. Langmuir, 2013, 29, 4315-4319 

(68)       Y. Yu, X.M. Kang, X.S. Yang, L.H.Yuan, W. Feng, S.X. Cui, S*. Surface charge inversion of self-assembled monolayers by visible light irradiation: cargo loading and release by photoreactions. Chem. Commun., 2013, 49, 3431-3433

(69)       W. Li, Z.H. Zhai, Q. Pang, L. Kong, Z.R. Zhou. Influence of exfoliating facial cleanser on the bio-tribological properties of human skin. Wear. 2013, 301(1-2), 353-361

(70)       Z.J. Wu, C.F. Song, J. Guo, B.J. Yu, L.M. Qian*. A multi-probe micro-fabrication apparatus based on the friction-induced fabrication method. Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, 2013, 8(4), 333-339

(71)       M. Wang, S.X. Cui, B.J. Yu, L.M. Qian*. Effect of chain length on the conformation and friction behaviour of DNA. Science China: Technological Science, 2013, 56(12), 2927-2933  (SCI)

(72)       M. Wang, Y. Tian, S.X. Cui, L.M. Qian*. Effect of Salt Concentration on the Conformation and Friction Behaviour of DNA. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 2013, 436, 775-781 

(73)       Z.B. Cai, G.A. Zhang, Y.K. Zhu, M.X. Shen, L.P. Wang, M.H. Zhu. Torsional fretting wear of nitrogen ion implantation biomedical Ti6Al7Nb alloy under bovine serum. Tribology International, 2013, 59, 312-320  

(74)       Z.B. Cai,  M.X. Shen, J. YuS.X. Qu, M.H. Zhu. Friction and wear behaviour of UHMWPE against titanium alloy ball and alumina femoral head due to torsional fretting. International Journal of Surface Science and Engineering,2013 ,7(1), 81-95

(75)       Y.Y. Shi, W.B. Zhang, J.H. Yang, T. Huang, N. Zhang, Y. Wang*, G.P. Yuan, C.L. Zhang. Super toughening of the poly(L-lactide)/thermoplastic polyurethane blends by carbon nanotubes. RSC Adv., 2013, 3 (48), 26271-26282

(76)       J. Chen, Y. Shen, J.H. Yang, N. Zhang, T. Huang, Y. Wang*,ZW. Zhou. Trapping carbon nanotubes at the interface of polymer blend through adding graphene oxide: a facile strategy to reduce electrical resistivity. J. Mater. Chem. C., 2013, 1, 7808-7811

(77)       H.M. Chen, Y. Shen, J.H. Yang, T. Huang, N. Zhang, Y. Wang*, Z.W. Zhou. Molecular ordering and α'-form formation of poly(L-lactide) during the hydrolytic degradation. Polymer, 2013, 54, 6644-6653

(78)       H.M. Chen, Y.P. Wang, J. Chen, J.H. Yang, N. Zhang, T. Huang, Yong Wang*. Hydrolytic degradation behavior of poly(L-lactide)/SiO2 composites. Polym. Degrad. Stabil, 2013, 98, 2672-2679

(79)       J.W. Chen, J. Dai, J.H. Yang, T. Huang, N. Zhang, Y. Wang*. Annealing induced crystalline structure and mechanical properties changes of polypropylene random copolymer. J. Mater. Res., 2013, 28, 3100-3108

(80)       Y.Y. Shi, J.H. Yang, T. Huang, N. Zhang, C. Chen, Y. Wang*. Selective localization of carbon nanotubes at the interface of poly(L-lactide)/ethylene-co-vinyl acetate resulting in lowered electrical resistivity. Composites Part B, 2013, 55, 463-469

(81)       J. Chen, J.W. Chen, H.M. Chen, J.H. Yang, C. Chen, Y. Wang*. Effect of compatibilizer and clay on morphology and fracture resistance of immiscible high density polyethylene/polyamide 6 blend. Composites Part B, 2013, 54, 422-430

(82)       H.M. Chen, W.B. Zhang, X.C. Du, J.H. Yang, N. Zhang, T. Huang, Y. Wang*. Crystallization kinetics and melting behaviors of poly(L-lactide)/graphene oxides composites. Thermochim. Acta., 2013, 566, 57-70

(83)       G. Yang, X.X. Li, J,H. Yang, T. Huang, N. Zhang, X.R. Liu, Y. Wang*. Crystallization behavior of sorbitol derivative nucleated polypropylene block copolymer under high pressure. Colloid Polym. Sci., 2013, 291, 2213-2223

(84)       J. Chen, X.C. Du, W.B. Zhang, J.H. Yang, N. Zhang, T. Huang, Y. Wang*. Synergistic effect of carbon nanotubes and carbon black on electrical conductivity of PA6/ABS blend. Compos. Sci. Technol., 2013, 81, 1-8 

(85)       Y.H. Wang, Y.Y. Shi, J. Dai, J.H. Yang, T. Huang, N. Zhang, Y. Wang*. Morphology and property changes of immiscible polycarbonate/poly(L-lactide) blend induced by carbon nanotubes. Polym. Int., 2013, 62, 957-965

(86)       J.W. Chen, J. Dai, J.H. Yang, N. Zhang, T. Huang, Y. Wang*. Enhancing chain segments mobility to improve the fracture toughness of polypropylene. Chinese J. Polym.Sci., 2013, 31(2), 232-241  

(87)       J. Chen, Y.Y. Shi, J.H. Yang, N. Zhang, T. Huang, Y. Wang*. Improving interfacial adhesion between immiscible polymers by carbon nanotubes. Polymer, 2013, 54,464-471

(88)       H.M. Chen, J. Chen, L.N. Shao, J.H. Yang, T. Huang, N. Zhang, Y. Wang*. Comparative study of PLLA nanocomposites with organic montmorillonite and carbon nanotubes. J. Polym. Sci., Part B, Polym. Phys., 2013, 51, 183-196  (Cover Image)

(89)       H.M. Chen, C.X. Feng, W.B. Zhang, J.H. Yang, T. Huang, N. Zhang, Y. Wang*. Hydrolytic degradation behavior of poly(L-lactide)/carbon nanotubes nanocomposites. Polym. Degra. Stab., 2013, 98, 198-208

(90)       Y.Y. Shi, L.N. Shao, J.H. Yang, T. Huang, Y.H. Wang, N. Zhang, Y. Wang*. Highly improved Crystallization behavior of poly(L-lactide) induced by a novel nucleating agent: substituted-aryl phosphate salts. Polym. Adv. Technol., 2013, 24, 42-50

(91)       Y.H. Wang, Y.Y. Shi, J.H. Yang, T. Huang, N. Zhang, Y. Wang*. Modification of polycarbonate by adding poly(L-lactide). J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 2013, 127, 3333-3339

(92)       H.Y. Wu, X.X. Li, Ji.W. Chen, L.N. Shao, T. Huang, Y.Y. Shi, Y. Wang*. Reinforcement and toughening of polypropylene/organic montmorillonite nanocomposite using β-nucleating agent and annealing. Composites Part B., 2013, 44, 439-445

(93)       H.Y. Wu, J.W. Chen, X.C. Du, J.H. Yang, T. Huang, N. Zhang and Y. Wang*. Study on the fracture behavior of annealed immiscible polypropylene/poly(ethylene oxide) blend. Polym. Test., 2013, 32, 123-132

(94)       X.L. Xu, D. Chen, Z.G. Yi, M. Jiang, L. Wang, Z.W. Zhou*. Ximei Fan, Yong Wang, David Hui, Antimicrobial and H2O2 generation mechanisms based on oxygen vacancies in ZnO crystals. Langmiur, 2013, 29 (18), 5573-5580 

(95)       S.B. Zhu, X. Tian, L.M. Shan, Z.Y. Ding, Z.X. Kan, X.L. Xu, Z.W. Zhou*, L. Wang. Effect of Al3+ on the growth of ZnOnanograss film and its application in dye-sensitized solar cells. Ceramics International, 2013, 39, 9637-9644

(96)       S.B. Zhu, X.M. Chen, F.B. Zuo, M. Jiang, Z.W. Zhou*, David Hui. Controllable synthesis of ZnOnanograss with different morphologies and enhanced performance in dye-sensitized solar cells. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2013, 197, 69-74

(97)       T.J. Lu, M. Jiang, Z.G. Jiang, David Hui, Z.Y. Wang, Z.W. Zhou*. Effect of surface modification of bamboo cellulose fibers on mechanical properties of cellulose/epoxy composites. Composites B: Engineering, 2013, 51, 28-34

(98)       S.B. Zhu, L.M. Shan, X.N. Chen, L. He, J.J. Chen, M. Jiang, X.L. Xie, Z.W. Zhou*. Hierarchical ZnO architectures consisting of nanorod and nanosheet via a solution route for photovoltaic enhancement in dye-sensitized solar cells. RSC Advances, 2013, 3 (9), 2910 – 2916

(99)       M. Chen, Y.H. Ma, Y. Xu, X.L. Chen*, X.X. Zhang, C.H. Lu. Isolation and characterization of cellulose fibers from rice straw and its application in modified polypropylene composites. Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering, 2013, 52(15), 1566-1573

(100)    Z.D. Sun, Y.H. Ma, Y. Xu, X.L. Chen*, M. Chen, J. Yu, S.C. Hu, Z.B. Zhang. Thermal degradation and flammability behaviors of HDPE/EVA/EG composites. Polymers and Polymer Composites, 2013, 21(5), 307-313

(101)    Y. Xu, Z.D. Shun, X.L. Chen*, M. Chen, S.C. Hu, Z.B. Zhang. Mechanical properties and crystalline behavior of polycarbonate/polypropylene blends. Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part B Physics, 2013, 52(5), 716-725

(102)    J.H. Yang, C.X. Feng, J. Dai, N. Zhang, T. Huang, Y. Wang. Compatibilization of immiscible nylon 6/poly(vinylidene fluoride) blends using graphene oxides. Polymer International, 2013, 62(7), 1085-1093 

(103)    J.H. Yang, Y. Shen, W.D. He, N. Zhang, T. Huang, J.H. Zhang, Y. Wang. Synergistic effect of poly(ethylene glycol) and graphene oxides on the crystallization behavior of poly(l-lactide). Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2013,130(5), 3498-3508 

(104)    H. Liu, J. Wang, X.M. Fan, F.Z. Zhang, H.R. Liu, J. Dai, F.M. Xiang. Synthesis of Cu2O/T-ZnOW nanocompound and characterization of its photocatalytic activity and stability property under UV irradiation. Materials Science and Engineerial B, 2013, 178, 158-166

(105)    J.J. Tian, D.P. Zhang, G.D. Liu, J. Lu*, L.Y. Zhao. Utilizing fullerene-induced polymer spherulites as controlled drug delivery systems. Journal of Controlled Release, 2013, 172(1): e45-e45

(106)    D.p. Zhang, P.f. Tian, X. Chen, J. Lu*, R. Huang. Pressure- crystallized piezoelectric structures in binary fullerene C70/ poly (vinylidene fluoride) based composites. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2013, 130(3), 1823-1833

(107)    J.J. Tian, G.D. Liu, X. Chen, J. Lu*, Z.W. Zhou, R. Huang. Unique pressure-crystallized structures in ternary bisphenol-A polycarbonate/ dioctyl phthalate/fullerene C60 composites. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2013, 129(3), 1362-1373

(108)    D,P. Zhang, P.F. Tian, X. Chen, J. Lu*, Z.W. Zhou, X.M. Fan, R. Huang. Fullerene C60-induced growth of hollow piezoelectric nanowire arrays of poly (vinylidene fluoride) at high pressure. Composites Science and Technology, 2013, 77, 29-36



(1)           P.K. Qi, Y. Yang, M. F. Maitz, N. Huang. Current status of research and application in vascular stents, Chinese Science Bulletin, 2013, 58(35), 4362-4370

(2)           邓坤,张琨,王雪,刘涛,陈俊英,黄楠。肝素和Ⅳ胶原在Ti表面组装及不同组装层数对内皮祖细胞的影响。功能材料,201344 (17)2490-2493

(3)           陈瑞,刘玉洁,李欣, 王进, 孙鸿,黄楠。等离子体类聚氧乙烯薄膜的制备及性能研究。功能材料,201344(22)3255-3260

(4)           周世杰,刘丽,李智,景凤娟,游天雪,黄楠。Mg-Ca-MnMg-Ca-Sr三元生物镁合金制备与研究。材料导报B201327(10)7-9

(5)           周世杰,黄楠,龚旭,景凤娟,游天雪。挤压温度对Mg-Zn-Mn生物镁合金组织与腐蚀性能的影响。热加工工艺,201342(18)81-87

(6)           郭莉莎,何永辉,王娟,龚旭,马宝龙,周世杰,刘丽,黄楠。生物可降解Mg-2Zn-0.2Mn合金的体外生物相容性。材料科学与工程学报,201331(5)703-707676

(7)           周世杰,黄楠,龚旭,景凤娟,游天雪。MgZnMnMgZnSr 三元生物镁合金的制备与研究。轻金属,20131149-52

(8)           袁珍友,刘丽,赵元聪,游天雪,黄楠。AZ31 镁合金细丝拉拔工艺的研究。四川有色金属,2013242-44

(9)           刘宗光, 屈树新, 赵军胜, 刘宇, 翁杰。多巴胺对磷酸钙骨水泥性能影响的研究。无机化学学报,201329(3)507-515 SCI

(10)       罗会涛, 郭泰林, 朱德贵, 智伟, 段可, 张成栋, 屈树新, 翁杰*。溶胶凝胶法制备不同形态的半透明羟基磷灰石陶瓷。无机材料学报,201328804-810SCI

(11)       罗会涛, 智伟, 鲁雄, 李金雨, 冯波, 翁杰*。致密羟基磷灰石球粒的制备及其生物学性能研究。无机材料学报,20132840-44 SCI

(12)       肖东琴, 匙峰, 姚宁, 张成栋, 段可, 翁杰*。模板法制备羟基磷灰石纳米结构微球及其机制探讨. 生物化学与生物物理进展,201340935-947SCI

(13)       张力,曹书豪,段可,翁杰。颗粒造孔制备多孔钛中结构及性能影响因素。Hot Working Technology201342(18)

(14)       曹书豪,张力,段可,翁杰,金学松。聚丙烯纤维及与聚氨酯复合材料吸声性能研究。武汉理工大学学报,201335(5)

(15)       林虹, 谢超鸣, 鲁雄, 屈树新, 冯波, 翁杰。壳聚糖微图形的制备及表征。高等学校化学学报,34(3)726 -731  (SCI)

(16)       鲁雄, 冯波,翁杰,冷扬。生物材料表面微纳结构对成骨相关细胞的影响(特邀综述) 中国材料进展,201332(10) 535-546

(17)       姜丽丽, 路忠林, 张凤鸣, 鲁雄。低温退火磷吸杂工艺对低少子寿命铸造多晶硅电性能的影响。物理学报,201362(11)110101  (SCI )

(18)       狄玉丽,冯波,范兴平,段可,鲁雄,汪建新,翁杰。稀土 LaF3 增强型梯度结构多孔钛及其力学性能。稀有金属材料与工程,201342(4)8014-8018  (SCI)

(19)       邱添,黄静静,张苗,王先福,李辰,卢晓英,翁杰。不同碳纳米管/羟基磷灰石复合粉末的添加对磷酸钙骨水泥性能和结构的影响。无机材料学报,201328(1)91-96

(20)       柯川,蔡方共,杨峰*,程翠华,赵勇*CuS/TiO2纳米管异质结阵列的制备及光电性能。高等学校化学学报,201334(2)423-428   (SCI)

(21)       柯川,赵成利,芶富均*,赵勇。分子动力学模拟H原子与Si的表面相互作用。物理学报 201362 (16)165203  (SCI )

(22)       潘敏,黄整,赵勇*。强关联效应下非磁性元素Ir掺杂的SmFeAsO电子结构理论研究。物理学报,201362(21)217401  (SCI )

(23)       张欣,王文涛*,张勇,张敏,张酣,雷鸣,赵勇。高分子辅助化学溶液沉积法制备涂层导体SrZrO3(SZO)缓冲层。中国有色金属学报,201323162-167   

(24)       华李成,郑靖,周仲荣。水分对猪牙表面硬度和摩擦系数的影响。摩擦学学报,201333(3)

(25)       蔡振兵,朱永奎,彭金方,张广安,沈明学,朱旻昊。Ti6Al7Nb 合金氮离子注入层在小牛血清溶液中的扭动微动摩擦磨损性能。稀有金属材料与工程,42(11)2356-2361  (SCI)

(26)       左孔成,张林,彭金方,肖新标,金学松,朱旻昊。丁腈橡胶/有机小分子共混物阻尼材料热稳定性研究。功能材料,44(24)3550-3553

(27)       朱永奎, 蔡振兵, 张广安, 彭金方, 沈明学, 沈火明, 朱旻昊。纯钛与Ti6Al7Nb合金氮离子注入层在小牛血清溶液中的扭动微动磨损试验研究。摩擦学学报,201302196-201

(28)       陈海路,胡书春*,王男,林志坚,夏根培,刘闻凤,任凯旋,冀磊,单春丰。大功率LED器件散热技术与散热材料研究进展。功能材料,201344(I)15-20

(29)       孙志丹, 徐阳, 陈晓浪*, Shaw Ling Hsu, 张志斌。立构复合结构增韧左旋聚乳酸的结构与性能研究。高分子材料科学与工程,201329(2)54-57  

(30)       刘花蓉,张冯章,邬小凤,李湘奇,周祚万,范希梅。Cu/ZnO复合材料的制备及光催化性能研究。功能材料,20137457-461


(1)           Zhongrong Zhou, Haiyang Yu, Jing Zheng, Linmao Qian, Yu Yan. Dental Biotribology. Springer New York, 2013, pp1-177. ISBN: 978-1-4614-4549-4

(2)           Jing Zheng, Zhongrong Zhou. Oral Tribology. Encyclopedia of Tribology, Editors: Q. Jane Wang, Yip Wah Chung, Springer New York, 2013, pp 4139-4144.

(3)           Shuxun Cui. The Possible Roles of Water in the Prebiotic Chemical Evolution of DNA: An Approach by Single Molecule Studies. Evolutionary Biology: Exobiology and Evolutionary Mechanisms, Editor: Pierre Pontarotti. Springer, 2013, Chapter 8, pp 109-126.

(4)           Shuxun Cui. Single-Molecule Mechanics of DNA. DNA Nanotechnology, Editor: Chunhai Fan, Springer, 2013, Chapter 6, pp 87-112.

(5)           钱林茂, 田煜, 温诗铸. 纳米摩擦学. 科学出版社, 20136. 479, ISBN: 978-7-03-037960-3

(6)           Linmao Qian*, Bingjun Yu. Adhesion Hysteresis.Encyclopedia of Tribology, Editors: Q. Jane Wang, Yip Wah Chung, Springer New York, 2013,pp 29-32.

(7)           Linmao Qian*, Jiaxin Yu. Friction Force Microscopy (FFM). Encyclopedia of Tribolog, Editors: Q. Jane Wang, Yip Wah Chung, Springer New York, 2013, pp1306-1311.





(1)           陈永亮,崔雅静,赵勇,程翠华。一种具有丰富磁性质的磁性材料及其制备方法。国家发明专利,ZL 2010 1 0200268.120130522日授权

(2)           江奇,何正文,赵勇。一种简便的制备碳纳米管化学修饰电极的方法。国家发明专利,ZL 2010 1 0180186.520130403日授权

(3)           江奇,和腊梅,卢晓英,赵勇。一种制备螺旋碳纳米管宏观体的方法。国家发明专利,ZL 2011 1  0272771.2,20130403日授权

(4)           杨峰,蔡芳共,赵勇。一种宽光谱、强吸收的表面光伏型光探测器的制备方法。国家发明专利,ZL 2011 1 034204.820130522日授权

(5)           杨峰,史占花,赵勇。有层次结构的纳米铁立方体和纳米铁花状结构的制备方法。国家发明专利,ZL 2011 1 0343740.12013121日授权

(6)           余洲,晏传鹏,张勇,李珂,刘斌,赵勇。一种制备尽带宽度可调的硒化物薄膜的方法。国家发明专利,ZL 2011 1 0343687.520131016日授权

(7)           余洲,晏传鹏,张勇,李珂,刘斌,赵勇。一种铜铟镓硒薄膜太阳能电池的制备方法。国家发明专利,ZL 2011 1 0426453.720130821日授权

(8)           张欣,张敏,赵勇,程翠华,张勇,王文涛,雷鸣。一种制备高温超导涂层导体BaZrO3缓冲层薄膜的方法。国家发明专利,ZL 2011 1 0009810.X20130814日授权

(9)           张欣,赵勇,程翠华,张勇,王文涛,雷鸣。一种制备高温超导涂层导体LaSrMnO3缓冲层薄膜的方法。国家发明专利,ZL 2011 1 0341294.020131030日授权

(10)       赵勇,陈永亮,张勇,冯勇,闫果,李来风。一种Nb3Al/Nb多芯复合超导线材的制备方法。国家发明专利,ZL 2012 1 0042888.620131016日授权

(11)       胡书春,张楠,仇迎,田馨,王秋桐,黄真浩,陈海路。一种具有核-壳结构的聚苯胺/四氧化三铁复合物的制备方法。国家发明专利,ZL 2011 1 0286812.320130403日授权

(12)       王进,杨志禄,黄楠,冷永祥,赵元聪。一种具有高生物功能性的肝素化界面材料制备方法。国家发明专利,ZL 2011 1 0195704.520130731日授权

(13)       陈俊英,刘涛,黄楠,刘诗卉,刘阳,陈圆,张琨,陈佳龙。一种在Ti表面固定载VEGF的肝素/多聚赖氨酸纳米颗粒的方法。国家发明专利,ZL 2012 1 0162504.420131218日授权

(14)       黄楠,翁亚军,杨志禄,宋强,罗日方,冷永祥,杨苹,王进,陈俊英,孙鸿,吴熹,李全利。一种基于聚多巴胺的生物功能化改性方法。国家发明专利,ZL 2010 1 0588977.1,20130403日授权

(15)       王进,杨志禄,冷永祥,孙鸿,黄楠。基于类聚乙二醇的可回收下腔静脉滤器表面膜制备方法。国家发明专利,ZL 011 1 0277736.X20130612日授权

(16)       钱林茂,周仲荣,宋晨飞,余丙军,余家欣。一种石英、玻璃材料表面的微纳米加工方法。国家发明专利,ZL 2009 1 021651.320130213日授权

(17)       钱林茂。一种多点接触模式下的大面积纳米压印硅模具加工方法。国家发明专利,ZL 2012 1 0237432.520131211日授权

(18)       莫继良,石心余,王正国,陈光雄,朱旻吴,周仲荣。一种摩擦噪声的试验分析及其试验装置。国家发明专利,ZL20121089588.020131016日授权

(19)       屈树新,药物可控时序释放的含多种药物的磷酸钙骨水泥粉末。国家发明专利,ZL 2011 1 0044949.8,无授权日期。

(20)       汪建新,黎恢永,刘霞,冯波,周绍兵,翁杰,屈树新,鲁雄,段可,卢晓英。直接界面法制备三维多级表面形貌多孔磷酸钙纳米陶瓷的方法。国家发明专利,ZL 2012 1 0032381.220130703日授权

(21)       汪建新,刘霞,翁杰,冯波,周绍兵,屈树新,段可,卢晓英,鲁雄。高氧化度的天然高分子多糖的氧化方法。国家发明专利,ZL 2011 1 037618.620130410日授权

(22)       翁杰,罗会涛,黄晶,张靖微,王宝,段可,汪建新。致密球形陶瓷颗粒制备方法。国家发明专利,ZL 2010 1 0141120.520130116日授权

(23)       周绍兵,李龙,李金绒,杨光,罗超。一种用于瘢痕修复的可降解高分子载药纤维膜。国家发明专利,ZL 2011 1 0261127.5,20131218日授权

(24)       周绍兵,肖宇,郑晓彤,龚韬,王林,翁杰。一种通过原位沉积磷酸钙对碳纳米管进行功能改性的方法。国家发明专利,ZL 2010 1 0130016.620130522日授权

(25)       钱林茂,吴治江,余丙军,宋晨飞,周仲荣。多点接触模式下的大面积摩擦诱导微米级加工装置。实用新型专利,ZL 2012 2 031439.920130116日授权

(26)       莫继良,王正国,王安宁,陈光雄,朱旻吴,周仲荣。可降低摩擦噪声的织构表面的车辆用铸铁制动盘。实用新型专利,ZL201220651040.92013522日授权

(27)       张晓宇,任平弟,郭洪,李放,蔡振兵,朱旻吴。切向和径向复合微动磨损试验设备。实用新型专利,ZL201220680116.02013717日授权

(28)       任平弟,叶毅,张晓宇,朱旻吴。一种切向和径向复合微动磨损试验装置。实用新型专利,ZL201210374558.22013213日授权

(29)       西南交通大学,摩擦诱导微纳米实验仪器控制系统。计算机软件著作权。中华人民共和国国家版权局,2013SR0-451372013515日授权



(1)           曹宝宝,博士,副教授,大连理工大学博士毕业,20081-201311月先后从,美国新奥尔良大学,先进材料研究所、美国北卡大学夏洛特分校,机械工程与工程科学系博士后出站,201311月引进。

(2)           陈渝萍,博士,讲师,中国协和医科大学博士毕业,先后从City of Hope medical centert National institute of environmental health sciences/NIH博士后出站,20132月引进。

(3)           尹冬弟,博士,讲师,上海交通大学博士毕业,20137月引进。

(4)           杨涛,博士,讲师,哈尔滨工业大学博士毕业,201310月引进。





讨会(2013FMTS),本次会议共有12个大会邀请报告,19个口头报告和78个张贴报告。其中,德国马普协会、固体科学研究所Jürgen Köhler教授、香港浸会大学Michel A. Van Hove教授、新南威尔士大学Charles C. Sorrell教授、德国马普协会、弗瑞兹哈柏研究所Klaus Hermann教授、中科院硅酸盐所曾宇平教授、分别就功能材料、能源材料、材料模拟、多空材料等方面的热点问题作了大会邀请报告。


(1)           黄楠,4th International Symposium on surface and Interface of Biomaterials2013923-28,意大利罗马,会议共同主席和组委会主席。主题报告:The new strategies for developing cardiovascular stent surface with novel functions

(2)           钱林茂,The Third International Conference on Manipulation, Manufacturing and Measurement on the Nanoscale - 3M-NANO 20132013826-30日,中国苏州。主题报告:Recent Development on Friction-induced Nanofabrication

(3)           周祚万,12th China International Conference of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology20131027-31日,中国成都。特邀报告:Gas-induced Manipulation of Nanocatalyst for Sythesis of Helical Nanofibers

(4)           周祚万,21thAnnual International Conference on Composites or Nano Engineering20130721-27日,西班牙特内里费。特邀报告:ontrollable Synthesis of Helical Structures with good yield and High Purity

(5)           周绍兵,The 12th China International Conference ofNanoScience and Technology . 20131027-31日,中国成都。邀请报告:Electrospun micelles/drug-loaded nanofibers for time-programmed multi-agent release

(6)           周绍兵,The 2nd Advanced Materials Congress-2013 (am-2013 congress)2013516-19日,中国镇江,国际会议分会主席并做邀请报告: Functionalized magnetic nanoparticles as nanocarriers for cancer therapy (Invited Lecture)

(7)           翁杰,The International Conference on Regenerative Biomedical Materials, 2-6 June, 2013, Wuhan China. 邀请报告: Porous calcium phosphate scaffolds pre-vascularised in non-osseous sites to reconstruct tibia defects

(8)           翁杰,Third Euro-India International Conference on Nanomedicine and Tissue Engineering (ICNT 2013), 9-11 August, 2013, Kottayam, Kerala India. 邀请报告: Fabrication of tissue engineering scaffolds with various porous structures and their applications in harvesting vascularized naturally bone-like grafts

(9)           鲁雄,The 4th Asian Biomaterials Congress, 26-29 June, 2013, HongKong China. 邀请报告:Computer Simulation of Biomaterial Surfaces and Interfaces

(10)       崔树勋,ICMAT 2013会议,2013630-75, 新加坡举行的,邀请报告:Single Chain Mechanics of Environmental Responsive Polymers and the Implications for the Design of Nano-devices

(11)       冷永祥,12th international workshop on plasma-based ion implantation and deposition201371-5日,法国普瓦捷。口头报告:The mechanical compatibility and corrosion resistance of the titanium oxide film for vascular stent modification

(12)       王进,4th China-Europe Symposium on Biomaterials in Regenerative Medicine201371-4日,意大利索伦托。口头报告:The deposition of extracellular matrix secreted from smooth muscle cells onto TiO2 nanotubes

(13)       陈俊英,4th China-Europe Symposium on Biomaterials in Regenerative Medicine201371-4日,意大利索伦托。口头报告:The biomimetic microenvironment construction on Titanium surface for in-situ inducing endothelium regeneration

(14)       屈树新,The International Conference on Regenerative Biomedical Materials, 2-6 June, 2013, Wuhan China. 口头报告:Calcium phosphate cement as drug system for bone tissue regeneration

(15)       屈树新,The 4th Asian Biomaterials Congress, 26-29 June, 2013, HongKong China. 口头报告:Cell response to ultra high molecular weight polyethylene wear debris carrying alendronate sodium

(16)       Yong YanThe 2013 JASP-MRS Joint Symposia, 16-20 September, 2013, Doshisha UniversityKyoto Japan. 口头报告: The effect of sputtering power on the properties of one-step deposited Cu2ZnSnSe4 thin films

(17)       郑靖,The 19th International Conference on Wear of Materials 20132013414-18日,美国波特兰,  口头报告:Effect of adsorption time on the lubricating properties of the salivary pellicle on human tooth enamelPoster报告:Effect of water content on the nanomechanical properties and microtribological behaviour of human tooth enamel

(18)       郑靖,The 5th World Tribology Congress201398-13日,意大利都灵。口头报告:Effect of organic content on the nanomechanical properties and microtribological behaviour of human tooth enamel

(19)       李炜,The 19th International Conference on Wear of Materials 20132013414-18日,美国波特兰。口头报告  Influence of exfoliating facial cleanser on the bio-tribological properties of human skin

(20)       钱林茂,The 3rd International Tribology Symposium of IFToMM2013315-21日,瑞典卢雷亚,口头报告:Mechanical and tribochemical wear of single-crystalline silicon at nanoscale

(21)       万国江,1st Annual Symposium of Innovative Materials for Therapy(IMT1)20131113-16日,中国海口,会议共同主席

(22)       王振铭,鲁雄*, The 4th Asia Biomaterials Congress, 26-29 Jun, 2013, HongKong China. 口头报告:Polysaccharides-Based Nanoparticles with Tunable Degradability Grafted on Titanium Surfaces for Drug Delivery of rhBMP-2

(23)       谢超鸣, 鲁雄*, Jie Weng, The 4th Asia Biomaterials Congress, 26-29 Jun, 2013, HongKong China. 口头报告:Dual release of silver and bone morphogenetic protein-2 from chitosan modified hydroxyapatite coatings on titanium surface

(24)       董丽, 王振铭, 鲁雄*, The 4th Asia Biomaterials Congress, 26-29 Jun, 2013, HongKong China. 口头报告:Functionalization of Titanium Surfaces with RGD-grafted and BMP-loaded Polyelectrolyte Multilayer Films

(25)       鲁雄,11th International Congress for Applied Mineralogy, 05-13 July, 2013, Mianyang China. 口头报告:Biomimetic mineralizated and nano-Ag loaded graphene oxide/chitosan hybrid scaffold for osteoinduction and antibacterium(谢超铭)

(26)       冯波,The 4th Asian Biomaterials Congress, 26-29 June, 2013, HongKong China. 张贴报告:Fabrication and biological behaviors of PLL/DNA Multilayers on Titania Nanotubes

(27)       余洲,The 2013 JASP-MRS Joint Symposia16-20 September, 2013, Doshisha UniversityKyoto Japan. 张贴报告: Annealing pressure dependence of Cu2ZnSnSe4 composition and properties

(28)       陈永亮,11th European Conference on Applied SuperconductivitySeptember 15-192013GenovaItaly. 张贴报告: Preparation of Nb3Al by high-energy ball milling and superconductivity

(29)       Yajing Cui11th European Conference on Applied SuperconductivitySeptember 15-192013GenovaItaly. 张贴报告: Transition metal doping effects on the electronic and magnetic properties of SmFeAsO

(30)       周仲荣,第十一届全国摩擦学大会,201386-8日,中国兰州。特邀报告:微创器械生理相容与交互作用机理研究

(31)       周祚万,第二届航天工程和高性能材料需求与应用高端论坛-探月工程与空间环境、新材料学术研讨会,20131010-13日,中国长沙。主题报告:长效抗菌材料在载人空间装备中应用的可行性研究

(32)       崔树勋,全国高分子学术报告会,20131012-17日,中国上海。邀请报告:温敏聚合物的单链力学

(33)       崔树勋,中国化学会第十四届胶体与界面化学会议,2013721-24日,中国长春。邀请报告:PNIPAM单链弹性的温度和溶剂响应性

(34)       鲁雄,中国生物材料学会2013年大会,20131220-23日,中国深圳。邀请报告:生物材料表面/界面计算模拟

(35)       鲁雄, 中国机械工程学会表面工程分会, 2013“生物材料表面工程专业委员会”学术论坛,20131114-16日,中国海口。邀请报告:生物材料表面/界面的计算模拟与材料基因组计划

(36)       钱林茂,2013 年海峡两岸平坦化技术研讨会,2013516-18日,中国天津。邀请报告:单晶硅在大气和水下的微观去除机理研究

(37)       钱林茂,第十届海峽两岸四地先进制造技术研讨会,2013614-19日,中国台湾。邀请报告:摩擦诱导纳米加工的原理及应用研究

(38)       鲁雄,第五届全国青年表面工程学术会议,2013528-31日,中国宁夏银川。口头报告:3-4 Polysaccharide- coated bovine serum albumin(BSA) nanoparticles assembed on titanium surfaces for dual delivery of dexamethasone and vancomycin(王振铭)

(39)       鲁雄,第十四届全国生物材料大会,2013927-30日,中国陕西西安。口头报告:Dual release of vancomycin and BMP-2 from nanoparticle embedded self-assembled oxide alginate films on Ti surfaces(韩璐)

(40)       王勇,第一届高分子成型加工及其产业发展研讨会,2013511-12日,中国成都,口头报告:增容剂为模板调控CNTs分散行为及其导电复合材料研究

(41)       王勇,2013年全国高分子学术论文报告会,2013101216日,中国上海。口头报告:聚乳酸水解初期的分子有序与结晶


(1)           2013123-25日和20131012-1120日,应黄楠教授邀请,日本同志社大学等离子体物理专家Ken Yukimura教授,来我校开展合作研究,并做三次报告。题目分别为:“Plasma production and sputtering system”,“Charged particle behaviors of magnetron discharge”,“HiPIMS technology and plasma parameter analysis”。

(2)           2013427-523日,应黄楠教授邀请,Manfred F Maitz博士,Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden,来我校开展合作研究并做报告,报告题目:心血管生物材料表面研究的发展策略。

(3)           20131022日,应屈树新教授邀请,香港理工大学康复科学系副教授,香港中文大学骨科与创伤学系兼职副教授,美国匹茨堡大学客座副教授郭霞博士,来我校做报告。报告题目:康复医学与组织再生研究。

(4)           20135月,应翁杰教授邀请,荷兰屯特大学袁惠品博士(我校客座教授)到校合作科研一个月,并在材料先进技术教育部重点实验室做报告,报告题目:改变材料物理化学性质增强其骨诱导性。

(5)           201367日,应鲁雄教授等邀请,香港科技大学冷扬教授,来我校访问并做报告,报告题目:生物活性陶瓷羟基磷灰石及其衍生物

(6)           201374-14日,应钱林茂教授邀请美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学The Pennsylvania State University化学工程系Seong H. Kim教授来校进行交流访问。在西南交通大学访问期间:①在摩擦学研究所分别以“Lubrication by one monolayer of molecules too thin or thick enough?”与“Surface texturing effect on boundary lubrication of diamond like carbon”为题进行了专题讲座;②与钱林茂教授就摩擦化学、纳米磨损、纳米制造等相关领域的合作交流开展讨论;③开展了单晶硅摩擦化学磨损及其防护方面的合作研究;④初步达成了近期学生互访的交流协议。该次来访不仅使研究生们得到了很好的相关专业知识培训,了解摩擦化学领域最新的研究进展;而且加深了我们对摩擦诱导纳米制造机理的理解,拓宽了我们在纳米磨损方面的研究领域。

(7)           2013711-20  应钱林茂教授邀请韩国摩擦学会副理事长、延世大学纳米磨损中心主任Dae-Eun Kim教授来校进行交流访问。在西南交通大学访问期间:①在摩擦学研究所以“Tribology Research Activities at the Center for Nano-Wear (CNW)”为题进行了专题讲座;②与钱林茂教授就生物摩擦学、纳米磨损、纳米制造等相关领域的合作交流开展讨论。③初步达成了开展纳米制造方面合作研究的协议。

(8)           201359-10日,应钱林茂教授邀请,加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学(The University of British Columbia)终身教授、加拿大分子纳米科学和蛋白质工程研究执行主席(Canada Research Chair in Molecular Nanoscience and Protein Engineering)、2006年获Michael Smith健康研究基金会职业研究者奖(Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research Career Investigator AwardProf. Hongbin Li教授来校进行交流访问,并做学术报告。报告题目:“Mechanical Engineering of Protein-Based Biomaterials: From Single Molecules to Functional Biomaterials Protein folding-unfolding dynamics probed by single molecule forcespectroscopy

(9)           201372日,应朱旻昊教授等邀请,法国里昂中央大学 Vincent教授一行到我校访问,并给研究生上课。

(10)       2013316-18日,应瑞典皇家理工学院表面与腐蚀科学中心Mark Rutland教授的邀请,钱林茂教授访问瑞典皇家理工学院并应邀做报告,报告题目:Tribology Research in Southwest Jiaotong University

(11)       20131126日,应周祚万教授等邀请,Jihua Gou教授,美国中佛罗里达大学机械与航空工程系复合材料与结构研究室主任,在我校逸夫馆4307A做报告,报告题目:Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Polymer Nanocomposites

(12)       20130630日,应周祚万教授等邀请,David Hui教授,美国新奥尔良大学教授,在我校逸夫馆4209做报告,报告题目:Composites under Harsh Enviroments: Extreme Temperature

(13)       20130419日,应周祚万教授等邀请,德国海德堡癌症研究中心原主席、2008年诺贝尔医学奖获得者,德国埃朗根-纽伦堡大学病毒学教授HaraldzurHausen博士在我校国际会议厅做报告,报告题目:The Search for lnfectious Causes of Human Cancerse

(14)       201311-20143月,杨静晖副教授,前往美国德雷赛尔大学(drexel university)工程院材料系访问交流。美方导师: Christopher Y. Li, 交流内容:基于PVDF基纳米复合材料的界面结晶行为研究

(15)       2013912日,应翁杰教授邀请,北京大学口腔医学院林红教授在材料先进技术教育部重点实验室做报告,报告题目:医疗器械管理规范及注册。





(1)           J. Wang, Y.H. He, M.F. Maitz, B. Collin, K.Q. Xion, L.S. Guo, Y.H. Yun, G.J. Wan, N. Huang. A surface-eroding poly(1,3-trimethylene carbonate) coating for fully biodegradable magnesium-based stent applications: Toward better biofunction, biodegradation and biocompatibility. Acta Biomaterialia, 2013, 9(10), 8678-8689

(2)           Z.L. Yang, Y. Yang, W. Yan, Q.F. Tu, J. Wang, N. Huang. Construction of polyfunctional coatings assisted by gallic acid to facilitate co-immobilization of diverse biomolecules. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2013, 5(21), 10495-10501

(3)           Q.F.Tu, Z.L. Yang, Y. Zhu, K.Q. Xiong, M. F. Maitz, J. Wang, Y.C. Zhao, N. Huang, J. Jin, Y.C. Lei. Effect of tissue specificity on the performance of extracellular matrix in improving endothelialization of cardiovascular implants. Tissue Engineering Part A, 2013, 19(1-2), 91-102

(4)           Y.Q. Chen, G.J. Wan, J. Wang, S. Zhao, Y.C. Zhao, N. Huang. Covalent immobilization of phytic acid on Mg by alkaline pre-treatment: corrosion and degradation behavior in phosphate buffered saline. Corrsoion science, 2013, 75, 280-286

(5)           S.B. Zhou*, J. Fan, Sujit S. Datta, M. Guo, X. Guo and David A. Weitz, Thermally Switched Release from Nanoparticle Colloidosomes. Advanced Functional Materials, 2013, 23, 5925-5929.

(6)           X. Guo, C.L. Shi, J. Wang, S.B. Di, S.B. Zhou*. pH-triggered intracellular release from actively targeting polymer Micelles. Biomaterials, 2013, 34 , 4544-4554

(7)           X. Liu, W.Z. Peng, Y. Zeng, B. Feng, X. Lu, J. Weng, J.X. Wang*. Synthesis of a RGD-grafted oxidized sodium alginate/N-succinyl chitosan hydrogel and its in vitro study of endothelial and osteogenic differentiation. J. Mater. Chem. B, 2013, 1, 4484-4492.

(8)           H. Wang, W. Zhi,X. Lu, X. Li,K. Duan, R. Duan, Y. Mu, J. Weng *. Comparative studies on ectopic bone formation in porous hydroxyapatite scaffolds with complementary pore structures. Acta Biomater. 2013, 9, 8413-8421

(9)           Y. Zhao*, W.T. Wang, M. Lei, M.H. Pu, Y. Zhang, C.H. Cheng. Progress of long coated conductors fabrication with fluorine-free CSD method at SWJTU. Physica C, 2013, 493, 77-79

(10)       Y.L. Chen*, Y.J. Cui, Y. Zhang, C.H. Cheng, Y. Zhao*. Molten salt synthesis of BaPb1-xBixO3 powder at low temperatures. J Supercond Nov Magn., 2013, 26, 327-332

(11)       F.Y. Cao, Q. Jiang*, Y. Fang, S.G. Ban, S.S. Ou, H.X. Qian, Y. Zhao. In situ preparation of nickel/carbon core-shell structure by chemical vapor deposition. Applied Surface Science, 2013, 283, 958-962

(12)       Y. Yu, X.M. Kang, X.S. Yang, L.H. Yuan, W. Feng, S.X. Cui*. Surface charge inversion of self-assembled monolayers by visible light irradiation: cargo loading and release by photoreactions. Chem. Commun, 2013, 49, 3431-3433

(13)       K.F. Wang, X.C. Pang, S.X. Cui*. Inherent Stretching Elasticity of a Single Polymer Chain with a Carbon-Carbon Backbone. Langmuir, 2013, 29, 4315-4319

(14)       X.L. Xu, D. Chen, Z.G. Yi, M. Jiang, L. Wang, Z.W. Zhou*, X.M. Fan, Y. Wang, David Hui. Antimicrobial and H2O2 generation mechanisms based on oxygen vacancies in ZnO crystals. Langmiur, 2013, 29 (18), 5573-5580

(15)       H.M. Chen, Y. Shen, J.H. Yang, T. Huang, N. Zhang, Y. Wang*, Z.W. Zhou. Molecular ordering and α'-form formation of poly(L-lactide) during the hydrolytic degradation. Polymer, 2013, 54, 6644-6653

(16)       D.P. Zhang, P.F. Tian, X. Chen, J. Lu*, Z.W. Zhou, X.M. Fan, R. Huang. Fullerene C60-induced growth of hollow piezoelectric nanowire arrays of poly (vinylidene fluoride) at high pressure. Composites Science and Technology, 2013, 77, 29-36